JUST TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHERE TO BEGIN... I was on a 6 DL and 1.5 UL package, but i was only hitting .6 DL and always staying at 1.5 UL. Short of it is, my neighborhood network was way out of date. It took 3 years of complaining to Comcast for a fix . 1st (for you) will need to track your speeds continously and record them. 2. (for you) have to insure your pc is not the problem: running clean, no virus, or software conflicts. 3. (your isp's duty) is focusing on your homes network: cabling, spliters, tie to the street. 4. (ips's duty) is your area network: nodes, nocs, this is where a "big problem" is. After 3 years of complaints, and being told it was always my home network. Send a tech out time after time only to test a clean setup... They finally gave in and updated the block! 3 years mind you!!! Since then it's fine. BUT bare in mind that during the times of problematic service, cablenut and van buren settings only brought my DL up. It actually reduced my UL massively. I'd suggest giving it a try, to see if it is a fix. Maybe it will work fine, never know. But prepare for the worst and expect to continually complain to your ISP until a fix is implimented...