Howdi guys!
So, ive installed a Windows Server 2003 on one of my house computers to have a centrlized way of loggin in to all my computers. I have a couple of questions though, I hope someone can answe them.
1) How do I edit users permisions and computer enviroments (for example, changin the theme from windows xp to classic, setting a background etc, managing what type of apps they can install)?
2) How do I assign a network drive to all the users, I mean like when they log on to any computer a network drive with their files will appear, and if someone else logs in they have theirs (insted of the last user)
I bet this is a lot to cover, but I just need to be pointed in the right direction, maybe a tutorial or something.
oh an before I forget, when I make a basic account and try to login to it via the domain, it takes a good 5 to 8 min for it to log in, when I know it can log in, in less than a min.
Thanks a million!
Running Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise