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About Kahyze

  • Birthday 10/02/1981

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  1. I agree. i still check my seats at theaters, and other public places before i sit since the day i first read this warning years ago. Also i remember seeing a story on the news long ago about a guy who was robbing stores with a needle. He used a syringe which he claimed was filled with HIV to hold up the clerks. Talk about a stick up eh?
  2. HAHA is that what you use for pink eye? Cool iris eh? i will have to try that one. I have been using collins preview but its annoying. using the previews are great tho, because your actually seeing the link with out having to be directed to it from your browser, comes in handy. thanks for the the post
  3. Rofls I remember getting this exact message that is in the OP in chain mails on AOL 3.0 a very very long time ago.
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome Momma t.
  5. This movie really has stirred up controversy all over the net. People argue constantly over scene #1. So i figured I'd post this here for the people who are interested cause I certainly am. The maker of zeitgeist is interviewed on what seems to be a very predominant (and not to mention, very fundamentalist) Christian broadcasting station. divided into 4 sections at 10 min a piece Pt1. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=f3E8hZzfF4Y Pt2 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gz5QGq2Q8Rs Pt3 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jx5_ZGoJE84 Pt4 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3T-PtgAjts And if you enjoyed scene #1 of zeitgeist this vid contains just about all of the resources used in it. And at the same time it's also contains about 3 1/2 more hours worth of religious facts that zeitgeist left out, after watching this zeitgeist felt pretty watered down to be honest. http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1118997513&vw=g&b=0&pos=9&p=the+pharmacratic+inquisition&fr=yfp-t-501
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