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Everything posted by osva

  1. Oh haha no i was talking about powerlink lol. Ive read it again and I also got confused.. lol
  2. Well I've seen it on the webpage.. but they haven't sent any notice/email telling people. So I don't know what to think... It really suck if is true..
  3. I wonder if they will have somewhere in the webpage a place to see how much bandwidth you have used.. This sucks by the way..
  4. lol, so you are saying it is just a rumor?
  5. This topic was like a year old.. But what I did lately was connect directly to the PC and then my ISP was gaving me different IP address and different(better) routing/latency. So what I did was clone the PC mac address to my router and it works fine. Give it a try. C:Documents and Settingsosva>tracert -w 1 www.google.com Tracing route to google.navigation.opendns.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 12 ms 12 ms 11 ms 2 10 ms 10 ms 12 ms host-70-45-94-5.onelinkpr.net [] 3 11 ms 11 ms 26 ms host-70-45-105-26.onelinkpr.net [] 4 11 ms * 20 ms host-70-45-94-101.onelinkpr.net [] 5 13 ms 11 ms 13 ms 6 41 ms 41 ms 42 ms gi1-0.miamfl1-br1.centix.net [] 7 42 ms 42 ms 42 ms GigabitEthernet5-0.GW4.MIA4.ALTER.NET [65.192.29 .249] 8 43 ms 41 ms 41 ms 0.so-1-1-0.XL2.MIA4.ALTER.NET [] 9 * 71 ms 69 ms 0.so-2-0-0.XL2.IAD8.ALTER.NET [] 10 72 ms 71 ms 71 ms POS7-0.GW5.IAD8.ALTER.NET [] 11 75 ms * 72 ms 12 71 ms 73 ms 70 ms google.navigation.opendns.com [] Trace complete. C:Documents and Settingsosva>
  6. The lower again the caps in our modem, well at least in mine. Was at 4800000 and now I took a look and its 3000000. Its been more stable though. Do they need some more bandwidth? I heard in other forum they have a damaged OC3.. Can Anyone confirm.?
  7. Have any of you guys having this same trouble when trying to traceroute any address? Tracing route to www.l.google.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 11 ms * 9 ms host-70-45-80-1.onelinkpr.net [] 2 10 ms 8 ms * host-70-45-94-1.onelinkpr.net [] 3 11 ms 9 ms * host-70-45-94-49.onelinkpr.net [] 4 12 ms 10 ms * host-70-45-94-101.onelinkpr.net [] 5 35 ms * 33 ms host-70-45-94-73.onelinkpr.net [] 6 55 ms * 37 ms nap-edge-01.inet.qwest.net [] 7 40 ms * 39 ms tpa-core-02.inet.qwest.net [] 8 48 ms * 50 ms atl-core-01.inet.qwest.net [] 9 51 ms * 48 ms atx-edge-01.inet.qwest.net [] 10 51 ms * 49 ms 11 51 ms * 51 ms 12 51 ms 50 ms 62 ms 13 48 ms 48 ms * 14 49 ms * 48 ms Trace complete. What could be wrong..
  8. Im not having problem with speeds at all.. When they first change to onelink i had problems. Right now full speed all the time.
  9. Your current bandwidth reading is: 4.04 Mbps which means you can download at 517.04 KB/sec. from our servers.
  10. ok ok you "can't" do that..
  11. You dont need any of that.. you just need to hook it up with your tv.
  12. Cox Communications in San Diego, not onelink. Onelink is our service provider.
  13. Where you from Jammy? And which is your ISP?
  14. I think its better to stay with current speeds. At least Im happy with them.
  15. Well then you have to check whats your modem ip. Because that is your router.
  16. It's supposed to be your modems internal ip. Those ips are for privates internet 192.168.x.x
  17. Well I have a terayon and I can look does numbers at'> I think surfboard modems also have a configuration manager at let me know.
  18. They change the download speed today,, 4400000
  19. Done that. and nothing. What modem do you have?
  20. Not here.. Maximum Downstream Bandwidth 4000000 Maximum Upstream Bandwidth 384000 Where you from?
  21. I have a terayon and its working great.
  22. Yep, I already post about that.. same behavior.. I don't know why?
  23. They are not limiting p2p anymore. And also they haven't called me.
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