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Everything posted by scottedwards2000

  1. Looks like we here in Comcast country will be getting DVR's soon too - plus STREAMING on-demand video too - WOW! The future is here! http://www.comcast.com/LocalHomepage/NewProducts.asp
  2. Thanks for the thoughtful answer, CA3LE. I guess the bandwidth would cost more than they would make off the advertising, huh? All I know is that I would watch alot more tv if I could choose the time to watch the shows - I'm constantly coming home and saying "SH*T, I forgot that <blank> was on tonight". VCRs suck and apparently you need a phone line for the PVRs (how archaic - why have a PHONE line when you have cable and wireless?!). Anyway, I've been predicting for years that we would be able to watch shows when we want to, and it pisses me off that it hasn't happened yet. As for sitting in front of the computer, that's no problem when you have a laptop! By the way, what good video services that you mentioned do you know of? Are you tallking like RealOne? Cheers,
  3. 50Mbps? Wow! What is it - is Comcast intentionally limiting me, then, to around 3Mbps? And Why? I salivate at the thought of the speeds you speak of. Finally, true on-demand high definition video over the net! By the way, this is probably off-topic, but do you or anyone else out there have any ideas or theories why even though many of us have speeds capable of receiving broadcast telelvision quality, there is STILL no option for on-demand television? I know the network affiliates would fear losing local advertising revenue, but why would the cable channels care? And why would the cable providers have anything to fear since they are already providing most of us with broadband anyway? (Maybe they think we'll watch less shows since we won't have to suffer through crap waiting for the ones we really want to watch...) Anyway, if anyone's interested, we could start a discussion on the GENERAL board or something. HEre's the best speed I've gotten: ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3212 kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is: 392 Kb/sec Auth Code: 2048181 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 57 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=2048181&kbps=3212&gen=gen&a=17.7142857142857&b=6.28571428571429&c=1144.57142857143
  4. Wow, CA3BLE, what are you running to get almost 4Mbps? I assume a cable modem based on your name - I was cranked to recently get up to almost 3Mbps with Comcast, which I thought was near the top of the range for cable. Great site by the way. I've tried alot of testing sites, but yours is the one I always seem to come back to. Thanks.
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