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Posts posted by scdreamin3

  1. :2funny:  :2funny:  :2funny: Yea, I was talking to my sister and her friend the other day. We were talking how my sister's father is my stepfather, but we have the same mother. Obviously she didn't get her looks from our mother 'cause I ain't no looker. So she must have got them from dad (my stepfather). But the problem is, he is hella ugly. I hate to say it, but its the truth. All of us cracked up laughing. Here's a pic of my sis. She is 8 years younger than me.
  2.   Just a quick question. I never really looked into it. I notice that I went from new, to Jr., to full member. I think it's awesome that I am now a Full member, I love you guys. lol. well, I won't go that far. Like ya a lot? yea, thats better. lmao. Question is, how do you go through the steps of new -> junior -> full? Is it based on the amount of posts? Or just how good looking I am.  :haha:  :haha:  :haha: jk. Just wondering.

  3.   Hi antoine. I know that different speed test sites use different methods. Some sites have Java based applets used for speed tests, while others use Flash. Different sites have different upload speeds to query your information. Distance is also a factor as well. Depending how far you are from the speed test sites server, you get varying results. The path that the data has to take to communicate between you and the server, i.e. the route taken.  A lot of them that I have been to test in only a few seconds. You can't get an accurate reading that way. I think that Testmy.net's test is the most accurate as it will forward you to the next test size until you sustain a 7 second download. The server is also a powerhouse, so that is a factor as well. And I notice that the top speed test was done at 1:37pm, while the other test was done at 4:11pm. As well, the testmy.net test was run from the server based in Texas, while the other was run from a server based in NYC, NY. All factors to the testing of your machine.

      To get accurate results, one should always

      * Close any other open browser windows you may have open.

      * Close any programs that you have running which may be connecting to the internet.

      * Run this speed test at different times of the day and different days of the week. Network usage will vary depending on the time of day and your speed may be directly affected by the changes in the network.

      *Run tests from the same server, keeping a log of results. Therefore being able to get an accurate average of results.

      *And if you have any web acceleration software, turn it off before testing to get an accurate speed reading.

      Hope I have been of help. And one side comment, I think that is great speed. I have anywhere from 250 - 300 kbps down and 40-70 kbps up. But then again, I live in the boonies.  :smile2:

      Take care,


  4.   :? I am totally confused at this moment. By the way I am going to change to the console version after the current WU that I am on is complete. I am at 31% and moving gradually along.  :grin2: There is but one problem however. I am not seeing any scores. Everytime I check, this is what it says - - -

    Scdreamin3 Last updated: Sat Aug 9 14:00:01 PDT 2008

    Sat Aug 9 21:00:01 UTC 2008

    Date of last work unit None

    Total score 0

    Overall rank (if points are combined) 1047121 of 1047121

    Active processors (within 50 days) 0

    Active processors (within 7 days) 0

      Here is my setup - - -

  5. 10-4 mama T.  No problemo. I thought that if I kept attaching photos it would use up testmy.net's server storage. I figured I would let a photo hosting sites servers(say that ten times fast) handle the storage. I see what you mean about being able to see a larger picture, some of the pic's I've posted are hard to see, especially for old dude's like me that REALLY needs glasses but refuse to wear them because I don't want to realize that I AM getting to be an old dude.  :grin2:  Thanks for the tip mama T. By the way, how was the Steve Miller concert? I bet you had a BLAST.

      Thanks again,


  6. And I guess I should add this as an afterthought, because it happened to me a couple of months ago.

      If, by chance you edited something wrong in the registry and your computer logs on, but with no toolbar, desktop icons, exe. Just hold down at the same time  the ctrl  alt  and delete keys. When Windows task Manager comes up, left click on file-->new task(Run) and type in regedit.exe. This should bring you up to the last entry that you were editing. If not then file-->newtask(Run)-->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon. Double click on Shell and type in explorer.exe in the Edit String/value data bar. Hit ok, then close registry editor. Then with the Windows task manager click shut down, then restart. Your computer will restart with the default values in place. (Start) Instead of the values you had edited.

    Any questions just ask.


  7.  I have changed the text in my start button several times. I get tired of seeing the same old boring "start" day in and day out. I have included below how to change it. Its a neat little trick, enjoy.

    <a href="http://www.photolava.com/view/igf5.html"><img src="http://img901.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/08/09/strtmen2-4bgqgyxht.jpeg" alt="Free Photo Hosting - Photolava.com" /></a><br /><br />

    <a href="http://www.photolava.com/view/igf7.html"><img src="http://img801.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/08/09/tskbr2-4bgqiq2c3.jpeg" alt="Free Image Hosting - Photolava.com" /></a><br /><br />

    Change text on XP Start button.

    Step 1

  8.   Kick arse!! I wish I could operate one of them bad boys! Unfortunately I chose the Navy and all I got to do was see the inside of a hospital all day.  :angry:  (Hospital Corpsman)

      Thanks and keep it up. Go Army!

  9.   Kewl Philly, I haven't seen one of those in years. I remember buying a used comp from a buddy of mine in 2001 and it had a K6 in it. The comp died though. I think I oc'ed it too much. lol. Here's another old one. Found the motherboard with attached Pentium Socket 7 and fan in my attic. Specs on the chip:

      Core Frequency: 133 MHz  Board Frequency: 66 MHz

    Clock Multiplier: 2.0  Data bus (ext.): 64 Bit

    Address bus: 32 Bit  Transistors: 3,300,000

    Circuit Size: 0.35

  10.   Oh, definately. To be truthful, I don't think I could be discouraged. I like challenges, especially when it comes to computers. I am going to read up on this, I think I kind of jumped in. Other than Stanford's folding@home site, can you give me any other websites that would go into it in more detail?

  11.   So what do I do, uninstall 6.20 and install the console version? That will delete all the work completed though, correct? Guess I better read up more. lol. I wonder if my comp can take it though, you know I've only got a Pentium 3.  :smile2: An old Dell Optiplex GX110.

  12.     Here is something that I bet you did not know. Or maybe you did. I get behind sometimes on the hidden secrets on the web. Turn on your speakers of your computer. Got 'em on? Good. Now go to www.yahoo.com. Yep, just type it in the address bar if you'd like, this is not made up. Now left click with your mouse on the exclamation point (!) of the yahoo logo at top. It yodels. hmm. I never knew that. Funny eh?

    Have any more interesting little tricks? :grin2:

  13. Obama dishes out millions for GA, NC

    Posted: Aug 5, 2008 11:49 PM

    Updated: Aug 5, 2008 11:52 PM

    Millions spent to appeal to neighboring states

    Live 5 News Headlines

    Obama dishes out millions for GA, NC

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    By Hatzel Vela, Live 5 News

    Charleston, SC (WCSC) - Winning South Carolina gave Barack Obama a boost on the national stage during this year's primary season.

    But the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is skipping the Palmetto state, instead spending millions to get support from voters in two neighboring states.

    At a local rally Tuesday night, state democrats tried to get potential voters excited about Obama's candidacy.

    It's just one of several 'campaign for change' events being held across the state.

    But the rally was tame in comparison to what's happening in Georgia and North Carolina, where voters are getting pounded by Obama ads.

    State party leaders say the Palmetto state is not getting snubbed. Obama is spending more money in the neighboring Georgia and North Carolina because they are larger states with more electoral votes, and places where Obama didn't spend too much time during the primary season.

    "You have to remember he spent 10 months in South Carolina. He spent a couple of weeks (in Georgia and North Carolina.) There is a ready-to-go organization here in SC," State Democratic Chairman Carol Fowler said.

    Fowler said just because you don't see as many TV ads in Charleston, it doesn't mean there isn't organization.

    "We've got phone banks going every night. We've got people canvassing every weekend," she said.

    Then there are the thousands of volunteers who helped Obama win the primary, Fowler said.

    She doesn't want people to rule out seeing Obama campaigning back in the Lowcountry and definitely doesn't want voters to rule out South Carolina possibly going Democrat in November, something that hasn't happened since Jimmy Carter won the presidency.

    "Naysayers say this is such a Republican state, but this is much less a Republican state than it was four years ago and this is much less a Republican national than it was four years ago," Fowler said.

    State Republican officials said it's simple: South Carolina has a good reputation for picking republican president and that voters in the state know John McCain well.

    They add McCain already has support not only from Republicans, but from Independents as well.

  14. Gheesh!! Everything OK with you? Man, what a bonehead. I bet he didn't even have insurance did he? Worse yet, probably didn't even have a license. Sorry about the truck man. That's a pretty Ranger.Well, at least it was before the hit. Its repairable though right, didn't bend the frame or did it? Man, good luck to ya.I haven't been a victim of hit and run in a vehicle. I have had a lady hit me on a bicycle though. Yea, real pain. In Ohio a bicyclist has as much rights as any vehicle. I was at a 4 way stop and it was my turn to go. I started turning and this lady came barreling out of her driveway, throwing me and the bike for about 20 feet. She then just took off like nothing happened. I tore ligaments in my right knee and couldn't walk for 3 months. Had to have surgery and pins implanted. Fortunately everyone saw where she lived and she was caught by the cops. Her insurance company paid all my doctor bills plus $20,000 pain & suffering. I still walk with a limp to this day. Her excuse for leaving the scene of an accident - "I was late for work". What a friggin crock eh?

  15.   This ----->http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/09/us/politics/09obama.html was posted in the ny times. Now I know they say you can't believe everything you read, but if the facts are true....?  I mean, I know Clinton says he didn't inhale....http://politicalhumor.about.com/cs/quotethis/a/clintonquotes.htm , and W has had his fling with drunk driving and cocaine....http://www.realchange.org/bushjr.htm#cocaine. And now Obama, if elected, I guess America will once again forgive and forget.Hmm, what a crazy world we live in. One more bit of trivia.....George Washington and Thomas Jefferson among others grew marijuana. http://marijuanacannabis.wordpress.com/2008/07/28/history-hemp. Hmm, interesting.I just don't know though if I would want to vote for a president that did heavy drugs. Thats just my opinion.

    <a href="http://www.photolava.com/view/ibmk.html"><img src="http://img108.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/08/04/coolestest-4ben2xeyh.jpeg" alt="Free Photo Hosting - Photolava.com" /></a><br /><br />

  16.         [glow=red,2,300]And speaking of Obama being an alien...[/glow]

    <a href="http://www.photolava.com/view/ibm6.html"><img src="http://img702.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/08/04/affasf-4bemsajnj.jpeg" alt="Free Image Hosting - Photolava.com" /></a><br /><br />

    <a href="http://www.photolava.com/view/ibmb.html"><img src="http://img701.mytextgraphics.com/photolava/2008/08/04/obadumbo-4bemubdwa.jpeg" alt="Free Image Hosting - Photolava.com" /></a><br /><br />

    Sources say Obama is an alien overlord from outer space

    By: Andrew Flick

    Issue date: 1/30/07

    The Fox News Network is a polarizing influence on the American news media.

    Consider what happens when two people argue and one of them begins to shout. The argument escalates. Sides are chosen. Soon, any middle ground between the two parties is lost. However, one need look no further than the mirror to see who really loses when political zealots of any stripe allow their bias to determine what is and isn't news.

    On Jan. 16, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) declared his candidacy for president of the United States. Just a few days later, Fox News aired a morning segment accusing Sen. Obama of being a closet Muslim and a potential terrorist sympathizer.

    Later in the day, Fox News' John Gibson ran with a story that first appeared on the website of Insight Magazine (more on them later) which claimed that the Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and her staff were responsible for the smear on Obama, a claim denied by the Clinton team which refers to the Fox News coverage as "an obvious right-wing hit job."

    Citing an unnamed source, described as "sources say" or "the source," the article on Insightmag.com is dubious. "The source" is referenced a total of 14 times and every salient fact of the Insight article is credited to "the source," making the story essentially hearsay. But that didn't stop Fox News from making this story the focus of that day's reporting, and consequently the hot political topic of the month.

    So, I decided to do a little research of my own, starting with Insight magazine. My first clue was finding the phrase "liberal media establishment" in three separate places on the homepage of Insight's website. After very little digging, a history of conservative bias at Insight became clear.

    Furthermore, Insight supported Paula Jones financially in her lawsuit against former Democratic president Bill "I-Did-Not-Have-Sexual-Relations-With-That-Woman" Clinton, enabling Jones to continue the suit after her personal funds were depleted.

    Fox News should never have used this article from this magazine as the basis for a news story.

    At best, it makes everyone at Fox involved with the story appear lazy and unprofessional. At worst, they seem libelous and biased. But, I suppose bias in the media isn't exactly news, especially when the media outlet under discussion is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

    What concerns me about this story, and what you should also be concerned about, is the apparent contempt and disregard Fox News has shown for the truth.

    The allegations against Sen. Obama, which were based on his childhood in Indonesia, have since been proven false by an Australian CNN correspondent who actually took the time to go to Jakarta, Indonesia to check the facts.

    The facts that were already disclosed by Obama in his autobiographies.

    Sen. Obama is not Muslim, nor was he raised in the Muslim faith. Contrary to the reporting done by Fox News, he never attended a madrassa (defined by Fox as a "Muslim seminary") that espoused extreme anti-American views. And, on a side note, the Arabic word "madrassa" means "school," just school.

    Fox also didn't check the facts or purposefully ignored them. This is exactly the kind of journalism universities teach aspiring reporters not to practice.

    This is low journalism. It is unethical and undermines the institution of America's free press.

    Everyone at Fox News should know better

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