Tommie, I am on the professional package. I have Mac computers on this and need the faster version to prevent getting into trouble from the fair access policy.
Mudmac, I love the user interface, the excellent way that the computer sets up, the ability of the computer to take almost anything that is windows and convert it to use on Leopard or Tiger, Having the computer set up so it can do screen sharing with the other computers in the house and even across the net. My son sometimes has to assist me to do something that I do not quite understand or solve on my own and all that I have to do is get on aim give him a call and then he hops in and shows me from his Mac Pro what to do. Sure a lot the things I like about Mac are available in the windows world but this is by far the easiest computer I have ever bought in making easy for a 51 year old to really understand. Since I still need a PC once in a while I can boot out of Leopard and sign in on Windows XP pro and do what I need to do, all on the same computer. By having "boot camp" it makes the computer a Mac and a PC. I do not have to run much in anti virus on the Mac side but I still have Anti everything on the PC side. I figure in a short time to dump the PC side as soon as the one off program is also converted to Mac.
After using Windows since Windows 3.1 I have taken to this like a duck to water, I really enjoy the computer for all the advantages it has.