I'm sorry for my language. I have tried to "sort it out" in the public forum and in private messages. It's a lost cause with this is person.
I can't even post my experience to the official forum without it getting copied over to another forum by some cynical stalker to fuel their sicking agenda. Seriously? :-
Anyways, yes I am (as is all people on WB) experiencing some heavy congestion (more than usual) during prime time. But to bitch and moan on WBworld? The mods just work for WB, they don't control what goes on in the sky. They are trying to fix this by launching another sat, but it can't be done until 2011. So we must wait til then, and hopefully it tones down the congestion like promised. These birds can only hold so much, and WB does close down beams regularly, but they still have to have more customers to come in, regardless, to pay the bills. I mean duh. Nothing is perfect.