Well, I personally don't always follow what OTHER people say about something (which I'm sure half were just misinformed and had expectations that were not [and will not ever be] in sync with satellite internet). Therefore, they got screwed on their behalf, because A LOT (just about everyone that comes on the forums) do not research before signing a contract. Then complain about something that if -- IF-- they had researched, then they would have decided THEN that it was not for them and to move on to something that is more in sync with their expectations on internet access.
I go my own experiences, and so far I have had nothing but good come from WildBlue. I can not say, that if something "better" (as in not satellite), I wouldn't jump on that. So far, it's either WB or HN. I've had my share with HN, and I decided to give WB a try and WB worked with me on some things.