Your going to find that during "peak hours" of the day your speed will decrease, try testing different times throughout the day to see if you still have the same speed issues. You also could just be on a congested gateway.
Well for one, it sits on your toolbar for easy look-up and has totals and reports for daily,weekly,monthly. You dont
need to go through the sign-in (WB) to see it. Just a suggestion so you know what your DL/UL totals are at a glance,before
you get FAPed again.
Of course he has to be. BTW Thanks Justin
Not bad consitering im on the select pak.
:::.. test results ..:::
Download Connection is:: 1133 Kbps about 1.13 Mbps (tested with 4096 kB)
Download Speed is:: 138 kB/s
Upload Connection is:: 163 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)
Upload Speed is:: 20 kB/s
Tested From:: (Main)
Test Time:: 2009/02/11 - 6:50pm
D-Validation Link::
U-Validation Link::
User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; GTB5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618) [!]
Well unfortunalty i'm stuck with satillite (WILDBLUE) as there is no cable or DSL here yet.I have been using your site to do my speed teats with and just decided to sign-up.