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About batravishek

  • Birthday 09/23/1992

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  1. my pendrive doesn't have any slider
  2. @mudmanc4---- the registry value i setted is 0, @nanobot--------- can you tell me where is the slider
  3. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 794 Kbps about 0.79 Mbps (tested with 1024 kB) Download Speed is:: 97 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 274 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 33 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2009/09/10 - 10:58pm D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6SGW0MA4P U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-4IX7LE6TD User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.0 [!]
  4. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220559 taht link laptop has good configuration, but its make is unknown, that is assembled, and i cannot trust that manufacture, so HP is da best, you can increase the performance of HP laptops by increasing its page file usage and installing your software etc. in other local drives, that will affect your pc performance and boot up & processing become fast.
  5. i have tried all of your tricks to my pendrive but i m unable to format it, i have tried to format it in safe mode but it again shows "disk write protected". is there any other way
  6. :cry: i have a problem with my pendrive , when i plug it in my PC , i doesn't open, and when i try to copy anything into it, it shows a Message:- DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED...... when i try to format it it shows again that message........DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED..... when i scan it , it does process the scan!!! Can Any one help me out ,,,,, PLzzzzzz , it's urgent>>>
  7. i have a problem with my pendrive , when i plug it in my PC , i doesn't open, and when i try to copy anything into it, it shows a Message:- DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED...... when i try to format it it shows again that message........DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED..... when i scan it , it does process the scan!!! Can Any one help me out ,,,,, PLzzzzzz , it's urgent>>>
  8. i think you should buy HP pavillion , because it is good, have 2.2 Ghz, max. RAM is 8GB , which acer doesn't have , at least you can trust HP, thay have good customer experience, i also have a HP laptop, i runs pretty good on 512Mb RAM, think how will it run on 4GB RAM, and it has stable windows vista, about windows 7 i don't know that really well. Toshiba i don't know really well.. if i were you i will choose HP Pavillion
  9. yipeee i got my pc fixed, i have just problem in my RAM it just breakdown thats why my wont start
  10. @ Ryan S.-- my pc does not beep on me,,,, and the settings i have changed in my bios will affect my pc,, is my all data on my hard disk will be erased when it comes to normal or not,,,, i have given my pc to my computer expert to fix it.... can anyone help me to learn how to overclock the pc and make it run faster ,,, or any other software that can speed up my pc...
  11. hey sir ryan , i have a little problem here in my pc, i just changed my cpu frequency 200(default) to 205 , when i reboot my pc, it is responding anymore.... the display is not working, keyboard is not working , mouse is not working, and when i start the my pc i do not boot up, it just power on, no proccesing occurs, not bot screen occurs.... what will i do now .. please help me... i please
  12. you should contact your service provider for dis problem
  13. you sholud download your Pc's drivers from the manufactures site!!! if still not works den download it from www.filehippo.com , make sure that site downloads only graphics drivers and audio drivers for your pc... and all misc. softwares!!!
  14. shall i know which is your connection type and which company's internet connection have you taken???
  15. i want to use my computer for programming like C++, coding, and for high end gaming having great graphics... can anyone tell me how to overclock the CPU speed , and what are its effects after that????
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