CA3LE, this happens on all my devices. MacBook, iPhone, Win7-PC. The problem is most likely my ISP, but, what do I do when they send me to and it all runs fine? Am i losing packets? What do I tell them?
I know for a fact that they're revamping my local node due to mass utilization. I saw my upload speed restored (had a problem about a few weeks ago when uploads were at 97% utilization at the local node in the area, so they split the node and split the traffic) My downloads improved everywhere but on TMN. And they don't really recognize TMN. So if I could say i am experiencing _________ (data loss, packet loss, TCP/IP double-uber-triple fragmentation) maybe I could say what it is? lol
Also, this machine had run TMN just fine, my router is totally fine (factory settings... i didn't screw with it much), same with my MacBook. Both don't do very well with TMN now (see the results posted.)