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Everything posted by dagger

  1. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4169 Kbps about 4.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 509 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Fri Jan 07 2000 20:01:24 GMT+1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 74X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.01 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 221.93 % faster than the average for host (net.au) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BS7D0RUJK and this is bad........ i usually get 900kbs off this site and i get 1-2megs of local servers
  2. dagger

    s1 being an ass

    .... your being childish whilst your calling me childish
  3. dagger

    s1 being an ass

  4. just got ip banned for no reason...
  5. lol this is a load of bs, i have the coart papers, and if you go to the mpaa site you can information if the close down. btw the coart papers are over 100 pages long
  6. hmm if you have photoshop i can give you a bunch of actions that enhance picture quality
  7. there is a law called theft by finding but im not sure it applies to the net, btw you will never get caught if you change your address and other info after taking the money out. paypal dont keep records of old addresses or change of address and withdraw a bit less than what you found so they dont look for an exact amount wthrawed. add me to msn if you need more help [email protected]
  8. dagger


    i just come out of the shower and saw this in the chatroom .s1: o.O .s1: what a waste of webspace..
  9. welcome to the forums have a papaya [me=dagger]throws papaya at his head[/me]
  10. im not saying we need mod's, im saying we need more people who know how to tweak connections, so like said before van please make a tut on how to make cablenut ccs files, etc.
  11. alright, since i need a new digital camera dont expect any pic's soon but. AMD Athlon64 3400+ - S939 ASUS A8N-SLI, nForce4-SLI - S939 Corsair 2048MB TWINX2048-3200C2 + Corsair 512MB 2 x ASUS Extreme N6800 2 x Seagate Barracuda 7200.8, 400GB Silver ThermalTake VA7000SWA Shark
  12. we need to train mini vanburens
  13. all i got is 128 up but i got 10 down
  14. the forums now getting to a point where we have people signing up for help, but theres only van to help and he won't be able to cope with 100 people with shitty connections a day, so i'm thinking we get trainee's to take care of the minor issues. flames/comments?
  15. he deserves an academy award
  16. NUMA NUMA http://dagger-net.com
  17. damn thats low i get 1.5mb down
  18. i got 50+
  19. bro i reckon u just got ripped off, those wireless ISP's charge you a ton for unreliable internet, ffs 1.5down for $200AUD
  20. dagger

    Sad fact

    hmmm thats a good idea but some people just sign up and test but they stay logged O.o
  21. dagger

    Sad fact

    i suggest we make a script that deletes users who have low posts and havent posted in the last 6 months
  22. stop being so pesamistic. its because of people like you telnet is becoming the 8th most used web browser
  23. whipee! another shitty ie is coming...
  24. let me tell you a story, i bought myself a new case. it arrived just before i attacked a site, so i started building my pc again, after finishing it i tryed turning it on, and BAMMM the cunts gave me a faulty PSU so it killed my motherboard, ram, hdd EVERYTHING. now i have to wait a few months for a replacement . see you soon. dagger PS. who wants the doman dagger-net.com redirected to their site?
  25. actually i was gonna stay but microwave is changing my mind
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