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m Keith Washburn

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m Keith Washburn last won the day on August 19 2012

m Keith Washburn had the most liked content!

m Keith Washburn's Achievements

Earning Trust

Earning Trust (1/10)



  1. thanks - yea i run a few of the tests with larger files , read up on how latency effects that ... well i'm off to apologize to ATT and Nitel thanks for a great site
  2. i had a speed drop around mid july - upload only fell from 1.5m to 650k - its an att T1 line and has been rock steady for 9 months been thru way too many service tickets and testing from carrier who says its all good - i came accros the old test my net and it says 1.5 or so but new says 650 - i flooded the connection today with 3 computers and bit torrents / saw 1.5 up/down thru the bandwidt monitor in the Buffalo router. any idea ?
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