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Everything posted by Sin0cide

  1. Sin0cide


    Also try out http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/perl/ and http://www.w3schools.com thats all free and pretty basic
  2. Sin0cide


    Also try out http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/perl/ and http://www.w3schools.com thats all free and pretty basic
  3. Sin0cide


    Also try out http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/perl/ and http://www.w3schools.com thats all free and pretty basic
  4. Sin0cide


    Also try out http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/perl/ and http://www.w3schools.com thats all free and pretty basic
  5. Sin0cide


    Try "Learning Perl"By O'Reilly & Associates. Its in the NutShell Handbook's series. I have that one and Programming Perl and I have a ASP book by them and there the way to go.
  6. Sin0cide


    Try "Learning Perl"By O'Reilly & Associates. Its in the NutShell Handbook's series. I have that one and Programming Perl and I have a ASP book by them and there the way to go.
  7. Sin0cide


    Try "Learning Perl"By O'Reilly & Associates. Its in the NutShell Handbook's series. I have that one and Programming Perl and I have a ASP book by them and there the way to go.
  8. Sin0cide


    Try "Learning Perl"By O'Reilly & Associates. Its in the NutShell Handbook's series. I have that one and Programming Perl and I have a ASP book by them and there the way to go.
  9. Brute force is the key
  10. Where do you live? (Area code would be good)
  11. Sin0cide


    I don't have any advice right now on the testing but the forum is tweaked a bit.. You need to check on your quote tags because there not working right.
  12. O yah I got the guy with the big guns
  13. those where the days... Soon enough we will find something else retarded to do... I can't even name all the shit I havn't done on camera. I am no where near as crazy as the fuckers on jackass on some of those but yah its fun.
  14. yah I like to start off with a bang
  15. newbie... I don't like that I think I will hack this site and change it
  16. what exactly is this pimputer your talking about....
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