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    leefsmith got a reaction from sunil2000 in Hello all   
    Not sure how much knowledge I'll be able to share. I am just learning about the vista stacks and what does what. If I stumble upon something i'll make sure to share though...lol
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    leefsmith got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Hello all   
    Not sure how much knowledge I'll be able to share. I am just learning about the vista stacks and what does what. If I stumble upon something i'll make sure to share though...lol
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    leefsmith got a reaction from CA3LE in Comcast 30/6   
    I was having the same kind of problem until I changed the compound tcp setting to ctcp. Apparently it increases the TCP send window more aggressively for broadband connections. You must change it from an elevated command prompt (right click on command prompt icon in start menu, choose run as administrator) then type:

    netsh interface tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp

    Hit enter, close command prompt, and come here and see what if anything changed.

    As always use at your own risk and make a restore point prior to attempting to out smart your computer
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