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Everything posted by t1wireless
hm , 11166 Kbps about 11.17 Mbps i would think if i was going to risk jail time over uncapping a modem it would be faster than that. I also believe if you are doing this its not "if" they catch you its "when" they catch you.
lol yea dway is ok for most things but the 1000ms kills it i will be happy if they can get me 1.5/384 or whatever upload is around 300's im drunk so excuse me
Thanks for taking the time to reply guys, i guess i will just wait and see what happens. I hope i get it ) i will tear some fps's up. Tim
still waiting for a installer to come and confirm i can get dsl they say 99% i can but they need to be sure. Now i have another question for you guys , the local internet provider around here has never said i can get dsl when i type my number into thier home page. They resell alltel(windstream) dsl which is my tel co provider. Now when i type my number into thier hompage it says i can get dsl through them. Now i have already talked to windstream and they are sending someone out to check out the situation. But my main question is why do they resell thier dsl to semo.net? Is it to expaned thier coverage area? Will i be more likey to get dsl from the local provider? I would prefer to get it striaght from windstream. which would cut about 110$ off my monthy bills. Thanks for any help you guys can provide me.
Good bye satellite and after 13 years with dial up. Says hello to 6.0Mbps/384Kbps OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGg im so happy sry for ranting BUT OMGGGGG lol ok just thought i should let someone know Plus is this a good price for $39.95?
Windstream Communications will be the new brand name taking over alltel's wireline services. This could mean great things for alltel coustomers that have had alltel for along time and have never been able to get broadband(dsl)!!! cheers!! http://www.alltel.com/corporate/media/news/06/april/n411april1006a.html
That sucks ass , should have bought a mac
I'm tryin to install windows home on a computer i bought off a buddy i can get windows install ok, its not a problem but when i try to register it, it says that my keys has already been used which it has in my other comp but are they saying i have to buy a new windows copy for every computer i own to register it? and if i do are they F***ing serious?
really at 28.8k dial-up if the connection is a stable 28.8k with good compression u can play cs:s america's army with little to no lag i know , i do it every night nighttime is always best. But If u do want to play games on satellite the truth is with my exp. the best would be 1-way satellite sat download with dial-up upload. bf2 might be pressing it. But what it really comes down to is getting used to the lag u get i kill people all the time playing aa no prob. and then i also hear people on broadband saying "omg i can't play i got a 90 ping OMG OMG OMG" but the truth is i play with a 150 ping all the time and own so really its up to u and how u handle it. Tim
Ok i got 2 lines in my house one in my room which is totally for the computer and one in the house but i got my hands on another 56k modem and i am trying to bond them ( i got it done got the right isp everything) I just need to know how i mite get a phone jack in my room using my house number? i tried to be slick and run a phone cord out the window and plug it into the "test jack" plug and lol i felt so stupid after trying it and saying Why is only one modem connecting? lol so anyways if anyone could help me that would be great i could post a picture of the little box but im sure some of u know what im talking about. P.s. the box is like right outside my window on the side of the house. Thanks, tim P.s.s. PLz try to respond fast im so close to 57.6k i can taste it (sad Huh? Shut up lol)
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ok i live like 6miles away from a tower and i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a tripod/pole or something to get a antenna up higher plz. I have been serching for along time and i can't frind nothing on the internet. Oh and is it possable to bounce a signal say .5 mile. i own all the land around my house and i got hills like within .5 miles away i was wondering could i put a antenna or something on a hill then bounce it to my house? i need something to get up higher in the air mainly but i would like to know if i could bounce signals. Thanks BTw Love the new site layout. TIm
Thanks guys , always a big help THANK YOU Tim
Ok i got a dvd rom on my computer that works for playing game/cd'd but when i try to put a dvd in it , it seems like it doesn't read it and my windows media player 9 won't play it either. sorry i can't give any more info right now im at work but if anyone could help that would be great. its a ide dvd rom 16x Well thats what it says in the device manager. and it says my driver provider is oak technology inc. If anyone could help on where i mite find a driver update or something . sorry for being so demanding lol but im at work and kind of restrained and i would like to watch some dvds at home well thanks again if anyone could help. Tim
Thanks for all the replys i guess imma just go with lime wire pro. Tim
Which is the best? And by best i mean adware/malware free? I have tried kazaa,bearshare,morpheus but i always seem to get hammerd by spy-ware right after i install. So if you could , would someone plz post a link to a good clean p2p client LImewire or something. Thanks, Tim
Thanks cholla im going to try it.
Can anyone tell me what i should say to the phone company about my telephone lines. there is static on my lines and a echo. i remember someone said i could ask to be taken off something. When i first moved here back in 93 i lived with my grandparents who live 50 feet from where i live now and i remember they had a party line like u could pick up the phone and here people talking. It isn't like that anymore but i feel as if they still use old system i have more than one a/d jump when i do a line test. How much would it cost me to get data line put in or something? we have been altell customers for 12+ years and they have never installed new lines or anything out here im sure im still on copper lines. But anyways my real question is what should i say to them? I had a friend that was getting 28.8k max on his internet His mom called altell and bitched them out and funny enough right after he got 50K+. he can't remember what exactly she said to them. Well any help you can suggest i would be very grateful. Thanks, Tim
my speeds at 3:50 p.m. central america. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1828 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 223 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/05 - 2:47pm Bottom Line:: 33X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 4.59 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 100.66 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YK18T5H0C
I found testmy.net aka the best d/l, upload test site EVER when i got my satellite internet and i was looking for a accurate test
Thanks cholla , and yes i did use the line test u posted. said i quilify for sbc data line , but i believe that about as far as i can throw a elephant. I mite try taking my modem to my cousin's house and try that but its a new modem and i have had a computer( couple diffrent ones) for about 6-7 years and have had a few diffrent modems and the max speed i get is 28.8 Oh well im stuck in dial-up hell and don't get me started on getting f'd in the a by d-way. but anyways thanks guys always a great help form people here at testmy Thanks, Tim
Chola nice to see u could help a little. im sure its because i have more than one a/d jump on my line. im not sure how far the cO is because dslreports says they don't know. Is the co the big green box at the end of my road or what? Its messed up to because my cousin down the road 0.5mile from my house can connect @ 50+ . also would this improve my gaming experience? Thanks, Tim
So multi linking doesn't double ur upload speeds in other words ?