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Ya but the only thing is my comp is in a dmz.. and i intend to keep it in the dmz .. enabling the firewall would be the same thing as turning the dmz off... and bf2 and all my games require many ports to be forwarded.. im not forwarding all of em

what should i do lol

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well, you should forward all of them this will make it safer for you since anything coming in at non bf2 etc. ports will be blocked.

unpacking and unrolling the trojan properly is sometimes tedious, but it makes the whole thing a whole lot safer.

in this case setting up port forwarding is a few minutes of work that lets you rest a little easier in the future. remember, you only need to set up port forwarding once, not every time you start playing....

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you can set it up to use any port you want and it should work in dmz fine cause i have used it on my own comp server and client but i now have a free one hosted my my internet company so i no longer need to host it.  even if you pay for it its really cheap per month only a few dollars for a nice amount of people.

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