ppills Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 Ok i'm gonna try to make this quick and straight to the point. I'm paying for a 6Mbps (768kB/sec) connection and I can get download speeds of about 8Mbps (925kB/sec) just fine here, or anywhere I download from the web. Yes, I get more than I pay for incase there was any confusion. Now no matter what, I CANNOT seem to achieve those same speeds when i'm downloading from let's say through torrents. I can only get about 550-600 kB/sec max. I know it's not because of the seeds/peers on the torrent i'm downloading from, because there's like 85 seeds and only 1 or 2 other downloaders. I'm downloading from a private community tracker and I SHOULD be able to max out my connection. I'm 100% sure of this. To be even more sure, I hopped on like 3 torrents which each have about 50+ seeds and hardly any downloaders, so I should surely max out my connection. But still, it doesn't! Oh, and i'm using uTorrent and i'm pretty my download is not capped in the options. Ok now here's another little quirk that hopefull can help diagnose this problem. Like I said I should be able to get about 900kB/sec or so on my connection. But I only get about 550-600kB/sec max. This should leave about 300kB/sec downloading head room, correct? Ok well apparently it doesn't seem like it. I go and try to surf the web but it is unbearably slow when I SHOULD STILL be zooming right through everything, even with my 600kB/sec downloads going. But it's not. This seemed to just happen out of nowhere, was working fine a few days ago, and it's very freakin annoying. I want to have my downloads going fast and surf the web at the same time but it's just not happening. Has anyone ever experienced a problem like this? If so, what's the solution? Perhaps there's some kind of tweak or something for 'non-http connections', to fix this problem right up? I really don't know what to do. I know it's not because of adware/spywares/viruses. I'm pretty sure of this. Someone please help me. Thanks in advance. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 When your connection is only using like 500 or 600kbps your upload could be maxed out, this will definitely slow you browsing. Post a speed test of both upload and download. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106288 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 the torrent problem is well known. the only solution is a call to your isp, they have to configure the routers responsible for your node to allow full bandwidth for torrent streams. this is because some torrents use strange ports that are usually reserved for slower traffic, therefor they have less priority in the routers packet handling routines, slowing the stream down. get a hold of service, give them your customer number so they can reconfigure the correct node and what ports your torrent client uses to download. with this info the problem should be taken care of pretty easily. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106289 Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 That's interesting, you wouldn't happen to know what ports are optimized for high priority?(besides port 80) Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106291 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 Sorry forgot to mention that it's not because of this. uTorrent is showing almost no uploading activity at all, about 10kB/sec. Like I said before, I'm pretty much the only peer on those torrents, remember? Also, my NetMeter is showing no more than 16kB/sec upload usage. I'm positive this isn't the cause of this. I have much experience with 'multitask downloading'. Oh and speedtests usually come up to around 7.5Mbps download, and 53 kB/sec upload. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106293 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 there are some ports for civil defense information systems that should be highly prioritized nationwide. these are 2367, 3453 and 2004. both udp and tcp. there are other ports set up by state governments, but of course that depends on where you live and if that state uses it's own port structure or just defaults to the nationwide standard. the FBI has 5 udp and tcp ports ThroughputMaxed, 911, 6821, 5411 for udp, 8657, 1984, 1482 for tcp and 993 and 5211 for both. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106294 Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 thanks, you're just full of knowledge. (I hope) Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106295 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 Sorry forgot to mention that it's not because of this. uTorrent is showing almost no uploading activity at all, about 10kB/sec. Like I said before, I'm pretty much the only peer on those torrents, remember? Also, my NetMeter is showing no more than 16kB/sec upload usage. I'm positive this isn't the cause of this. I have much experience with 'multitask downloading'. Oh and speedtests usually come up to around 7.5Mbps download, and 53 kB/sec upload. there isn't a thing you can do. talk to your isp, the problem is on their end. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106297 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 the torrent problem is well known. the only solution is a call to your isp, they have to configure the routers responsible for your node to allow full bandwidth for torrent streams. this is because some torrents use strange ports that are usually reserved for slower traffic, therefor they have less priority in the routers packet handling routines, slowing the stream down. get a hold of service, give them your customer number so they can reconfigure the correct node and what ports your torrent client uses to download. with this info the problem should be taken care of pretty easily. I've had this ISP for 2 years and ive never had a problem like this before. I don't see why they would all of a sudden limit the traffic, whatever that may be. I don' fully understand what you said. Oh, and if I just call them up and say "Hay my torrentz filez are slowing down my intraweb surfign!11 supwit that!?!", couldn't they like suspect something? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106298 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 they may have upgraded to a new router firmware over the new year. that would explain why you are seeing the problem appear for you all of a sudden. and yes, tell them that. maybe a bit nicer and more specific. otherwise they will just give you a ticketnumber and lose the complaint. if you give your customer number the tech should be able to reset the routers right then and there. if the problem started recently and is due to an upgrade as i suspect then they may already have gotten a bunch of calls like that and will know what to do. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106300 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 Oh and this problem isn't only with torrents going aparently... I have an xdcc transfer going at about 200kB/sec, and take a look at my download speed result: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 893 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 109 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Jan 2 12:27:58 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB download in 9.39 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 20.88 % of your hosts average (grandenetworks.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-N5M8RXF10 Sooo no cool. Ok so i'll take your word with what you said earlier. I'm going to talk to my ISP but can you rephrase what i'm suppose to tell them so I can know exactly what i'm going to say? Thanks. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106301 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 you tell them your customer number so they can bring up your info and check that there are no other problems, then tell them what ports you are using so they can either Throughputmaximize those or to give you ports that are Throughputmaximized on their net. make sure you specify udp or tcp. if the xdcc transfer is running on a 'slow' port it may well be throttling you overall. that's why it is important to get a list of 'fast' ports from your isp to avoid slowing yourself down by maxing out a 'slow' port. of course on some ports, like for e-mail etc it can't be avoided if the isp sets the mail ports slower to keep the mail server from crapping out that's that. but you're not getting mail constantly anyway. in the end that helps you because the mail server can handle all requests instead of having to stack them in a queue. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106303 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 you tell them your customer number so they can bring up your info and check that there are no other problems, then tell them what ports you are using so they can either Throughputmaximize those or to give you ports that are Throughputmaximized on their net. make sure you specify udp or tcp. if the xdcc transfer is running on a 'slow' port it may well be throttling you overall. that's why it is important to get a list of 'fast' ports from your isp to avoid slowing yourself down by maxing out a 'slow' port. of course on some ports, like for e-mail etc it can't be avoided if the isp sets the mail ports slower to keep the mail server from crapping out that's that. but you're not getting mail constantly anyway. in the end that helps you because the mail server can handle all requests instead of having to stack them in a queue. Yeah i've called my ISP up before but ugh, not the kind of reply I was hoping for. It still didn't tell me exactly how I should phrase it to them. Thanks for all the info thus far though. I'll check this thread later today before I call them up hopefully you'll give me the response i'm looking for. But in the meantime you can laugh at my horrid download speed: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 194 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 24 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Jan 2 12:40:30 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB download in 42.67 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 4.54 % of your hosts average (grandenetworks.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YW50SB31N Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106308 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 Oh, and sorry for being so picky. It's hard for me to explain something like this if I don't know exactly what i'm going to say. I need simplification or something because i'm retarded. So yeah, hopefully you understand that i'm not just trying to be an asshat. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106310 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 lol. can't really give you a script, i don't know what he's gonna sayu/ask, just answer the guys questions and describe the problem you are having, if he asks what you've done to your pc tell him about the port problem. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106311 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 2, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 Ok it's most likely going to go like this: They ask for my info. They ask what can they help me with today. I say blah blah surfing problems with downloads running. They say, Oh I see. I say "yeah, and I was reading somewhere that maybe..." [insert complicated thing that you said]. I say "maybe 'this' has to do something with my problem?". Then they either say "yes of course! we'll fix you right up!". or "we'll have someone check your line". Then that will be the end of it. If you can kinda fill that part in, it would be great. If not, then I guess i'll figure something out. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106319 Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted January 2, 2006 CID Share Posted January 2, 2006 hm. so you read somehwer? ok... um... you read somewhere that certain ports are configured to run faster than others. you are currently using udp/tcp xxxx (insert the ones you are using) for program xxxx and would like to either get a list of Throughputmaximized ports for you to use or if they can set the ports you use to high throughput. i guess. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106322 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ppills Posted January 3, 2006 Author CID Share Posted January 3, 2006 Ok I called them up earlier and came to no solution. I asked them about the port throttling thing and they say that they don't throttle ports. They said everything possible on there side checked out on their side ok and it is something with my computer. Any idea what else it can be that is slowing down my connection like this? I have another computer that I tried and everything seems fine on that one. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106554 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest jeffwalker9999 Posted January 3, 2006 CID Share Posted January 3, 2006 very odd problem there dude ! try port 777 Multiling HTTP udp or tcp I use it on cox cable north las vegas 5 meg service as the port to transfer files and get files from P2P applications and also been using on instant message [im] ** both rx [ receiver] and tx [sender] in the applications need to be set for this port and firewall ** Foldershare.com is one of the main apps I use and have seen no problems using 777 ycp/udp [[cox-comcast-juno-aol-netzero-earthlink- are some of the isp's i've used this port on]] also Limewire , MSN messanger also have done ftp over this port good good luck - the testmy.net community is sure to help you have not yet been mislead or unable to solve a problem testmy.net RULES Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/10184-kind-of-a-odd-downloading-cable-problem-please-help/#findComment-106610 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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