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well the bad part is speakeasy called me about over usage and the funny thing is i had an idea they might say something but they called me today and i didnt pick up HAHA and they say i am using too much bandwidth and that must be my free ftp they gave me. i have 1 GB of space and they never said a limit.  its included with the package so last month i posted it up here with some test files and alot of people downloaded off of it with all the posts people made had to be alot of gigs. i myself downloaded over 25 gigs just to see what it will do but i wonder what it really used.

i'm gonna call and see what they say cause i have a feeling it was alot like maybe close to 100 gigs.  here is the other thread


My test ftp site


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they asked me to take off the 512 mb file so i did just to make them happy but i can imagine how much i transfered.  its free for me so i raped that line bad.  they are still gonna monitor it but with small files it wont hurt as much as that big 512 all being downloaded at the same time.  he wouldnt tell me the how much it was but to make them call me :haha: :haha:.  i bet they are gonna change the whole policy cause of me :evil6:

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i did it like 15 times with my 30 mb line and i did it atleast another 10 on my 6 mb adsl line and i got a plugin for firefox tah lets me download them all at once and did that a few times with both connections at the same time.  remeber the day i posted it there was like 350 views i think which makes me think alot more had to do it and at 1 point all that was in there was the 512 mb file.

now there is alot more choices to rape it with but they are gonna monitor it now so i'm gonna ask them what i can do to it.

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yes i have and i have to find out exactly what i'm allowed to do with this cause i dont want to put it there and then they call me again for over usage.  they really hated that 512 mb file that everyone downloaded cause if 100 people download it thats 50 gigs and i know more than 100 people downloaded it.  so when i see how much they wont bother me for i'll do it then it should be good  since the biggest file on there would be 20 mb which is smaller than my largest file there now (64 mb).

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ahh i found out why they called and it was cause everyone was downloading the files i put there and used over 130 gig's of bandwidth in 2 weeks and the shell account was only 25 mb and 10 GB monthly transfer but mine was broken and i had a 512 mb, 64 mb, 16 mb, 8 mb, 4 mb, 1 mb files in there and all were being downloaded too much and i killed the processor on the server :evil6: 

i'm gonna put the same files that testmy.net has the 2992 kb, 5983 kb and 12160 kb which should be perfect for it and then i'll see what they say about it before i can think about making this a mirror.  heh if it goes well i'll just donate the thing to testmy.net for the hell of it even if i only get 10 gigs from it its better than nothing. :D

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better check that contract to make sure there is no fee per volume after the first 10 gigs. and otherwise you are hurting all the people that use the thing for something other than just brute force dling with essentially empty files and use a little over their ten gigs a month. and doing what you're doing could put you in breach of contract and make them kill the whole package for you. so in effect the joke might just be on you, not them.

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