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windows xp pro, 1 gig ram, system running cablenut tweak for comcast 6000/384, consistently had high scores, regardless of where i tested at.

prior to today i was running avg anti virus and zone alarm firewall, as well as the other spyware/adaware programs.

today, because i am with comcast, i decided to try out their McAfee security programs that are free to comcast users.  includes a firewall, a security center, virus scan and privacy service.  so uninstalled the one set of programs, then installed this mcafee set or programs.

cleaned things up and went and did some tests.

Wooooh !  what happened?  my downloads went from over 6000 to low 4000, and so i went to pit stop just to see if it would report anything, and besides reporting slow internet speeds, it showed my partitions uncached disk speeds had gone from running in the 78 to 86 %, down to 36% on C partition, and in the teens on the other partitions.

someone explain to me why, and i'll guess it's just because this security suite from mcafee is just a total all out resource hog.  i opened up processes, and there are tons of mcaffee processes running, using about 60,000K..is this the problem for the slow speeds and uncached disk speeds?



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I've never used McAfee, but I've heard of it bogging down systems.  Try disabling all the real-time protection and startup features, then restart your PC and retest.  You can stick to updating and running the scans manually, that way you can free up some resources.

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you might have on-access scanning for all files enabled, which you didn't with the other av? that means you are now virusscanning any file opened, created, changed etc. not a bad security situation, but it is kind of resource intensive. say the cpu requests data from file x. before, it would read the data off the disk and that's it. now, it requests the data, the data gets read, virusscanned and then sent to the processor.

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thanxz for everyone's input.....i changed some of the settings for each of the programs, did some more tests, speed was up to about 4800 for download, but uncached disk speed still was very low.

uninstalled the mcafee suite, restarted, installed avg and zone alarm, test speeds are back up to over 6000 on download and disk cache is back to the 75 to 85%.

that explains that, and also explains why 12 years ago i uninstalled a mcafee program because it caused some probs.


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thanxz for everyone's input.....i changed some of the settings for each of the programs, did some more tests, speed was up to about 4800 for download, but uncached disk speed still was very low.

uninstalled the mcafee suite, restarted, installed avg and zone alarm, test speeds are back up to over 6000 on download and disk cache is back to the 75 to 85%.

that explains that, and also explains why 12 years ago i uninstalled a mcafee program because it caused some probs.


good decision :)

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yea, i wondered about even trying the mcafee, just because of my expereinces with it back with win95/98, but thought why not give it a try and see how it performs, but after experiencing the slow downs and the poor disk performance it was time to go back to the good old tried and true AVG/Zone Alarm, hard to beat these two apps, and their free as well.


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