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SP-2 is not officialy out yet...but some people have it...i kno ms didnt release SP2 yet they're waitin to realease Longhorn then they're gonna release XP SP2...i dont kno where you heard SP3 is out...lemme kno more info...my sources might be wrong...lemme kno where you get ur info...thenx

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sp3 is out for windows 2000. As far is sp2 for windows xp

Final release of SP2 is expected some time during the spring or summer of 2004. SP2 will be very extensive in scope: it will include an API to block malicious attachments, default shutoff of the Remote Procedure Call, a processor-based clampdown on executing malicious code, having the firewall enabled by default, an automatic update feature, and the ability to block pop-ups. With all of the new fixes — primarily focused on security and user experience — SP2 looks more like an OS refresh than a service pack.

That is what i have found. I dont think that Longhorn is going to be released til late 2005?? I might be wrong though.

Windows xp 64bit will be released according to ms during the first half of 2004.

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Check out my longhorn post 8) There will be an offical beta version released by Microsoft by the second half of this year.

I would love to get my hands on the leaked version.... Install it on a 5 or 10 gig hard drive and see what this "revolutionary" os can do.

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