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so my old hard drive crapped the bed and i baught a new one, seagate 300 gig 7200 rpm 8mb Serial ATA-150 and its my master, i got it all working reinstalled windows and its only showing me that i have 127 gigs left on my hard drive...and im more than sure windows system files only take up about 2 gigs worth... so where the heck is my other 270 gigs at?!?

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and....also, i dont know what the situation with seagate drives is, but some maxtor drives have jumpers in the back that will allow you to use lets say a 3rd, half or full capacity of the hard drive....if the seagate drive has such a thing with jumpers, make sure it is set up correctly

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you can access your bios by pressing the delete key as soon as you restart your computer and it starts booting up - sometimes it is the F10 key...try few different ones, but those are the ones most common - once you are in bios, look through some settings and make sure it is displaying your hard drive in the right size - if even bios doesnt recognize it as a 300 some gb hard drive, than you either have to re-flash the bios, or set up the jumpers on the hard drive (if any)

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this is a guide to flashing bios .....

btw, what motherboard do you have ? it is kind of wierd that it will not show you the entire capacity of the hard drive as its supposed to be - most newer motherboards will not do that....

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do you have the service packs installed.  There was some kind of glitch or something that windows xp had i heard about if you didn't have at least service pack 1 installed it would only show up with like 127gb.  maybe i don't know what i'm talking about but i thought i read that before.    

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