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What would make for a high speed surfing computer. No games(boring). No office work.Little photo. Little c.d.work. Very little d.v.d. E-mail. Mostly surfing. Any good computer designs. Under $2500 Of course single core processor. Use your imagination!! ;):D:cry::confused1::whaa::-P

To be built. Spend my money wisely. Think about it and do alittle research. Please!!! :D

Tweaks included.

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1128 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 138 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2)

Test Time:: Fri Jan 27 01:10:10 CST 2006

Bottom Line:: 20X faster than 56K 1MB download in 7.42 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 24.37 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6KH9CXG7S

Current stats. Consumer account. Dway 6000.

You could have a surfing hot rod that would have a 600MHz P3..  The only reason to have all of the extras and the $2000 systems is so that you can do games, dvds, photos, etc..  Other than that you dont need anything more than about 600MHz, 7200rpm hard drive, 512-1 gig of ram.

I would ditch dway and get something else.. you are not going to be downloading anything really fast with that stuff..  I understand why you dont like games.. You ping is going to be quite a bit up there.. so there is no point in even trying to play..

I know that dell is running a special on there B and E class Dimension boxes..  You might want to check those out. 

My apologies for sounding like I was ditching on games. I just meant that with all the gamers that my not being interested in

a game machine my be boring to you all.   

  Mainly I guess I meant that a friend suggested that high ram, large processor, low hard drive will speed things up a bit. Unfortunately my first two PC's were store bought. The second being a media center thinking that was the only way to get any kind of speed. I live in the boonies 5 miles from any cable civilization. Most people would probably say go to the pro account but I am afraid I will not be as successful with it as I have with my consumer account. I am getting average 1300 with 2992 connection speed.  Most people say that is over cap on dway 6000 consumer. I am afraid I will be paying more for no more power and an extended 15 month sentence.

So I figured if I built a surfing hotrod, if I could ever got a better connection maybe I would at least be able to use the faster computer to it's fullest advantage, and for now at least maybe I could at least maybe speed up dway a little bot right now.

  I would try the 7000 but everybody talks about download increasing speed, no interest there. So there is my situation. Again sorry if i upset any gamers. Used to be one myself. Just that I have small children my self now. And things change.Just get tired of spending all hours researching different on internet.

  Like I told one friend if I could get good cable I would stop tweaking and just enjoy speedy service and the fact that I now know how to keep a computer at full operating efficiency thanks to the knowledgeable folks at test my.net.


if you want a nice all around computer.. I think these are the things to take a look into..

CPU:  AMD Athlon X2

This is pretty much the pinnicle of modern processors... It is the fastest non-gaming dual core processor out there and pretty much will live up to anything that is going to be released in the next 5-7 years.  The only problem.. these babies are expensive!!  Like really expensive..


The old idea was that 1 gig is for gamers and crazy computer people..  Now with all the memory intensive apps.. The more the better.. I would say that 1 gig is now the new minimum.. With Vista just around the corner I would suggest going with atleast 1 gig! 

Hard drive: 

If you are looking for crazy fast performance then look no further than the Western digital Raptor series of drives.  These babies are 10,000rpm of pure speed.  Put them raid 0 and you will most likely have the fastest storage system with 20 miles of your house.  CES 2006 brought use the 150 gig version which you can check out here.. http://www.wdraptorx.com/index.asp?bhcp=1  Again you want the best you are going to pay for it.. $350 is the street price right now!


Since you are building a system that is going to be pretty much a gaming system why not put something that is atleast respectable.  I would say that the Nvidia 6800 series would be a good choice.


You are going to want something that is going to be able to be upgraded in the future.. So that mean that atleast 2x 16xPCI-E slots and SATA II..

That should be a good little start to get you an idea of what you want to look for in a system.. I am sure that the guys can come up with some pretty good systems. 

I guess I should also mention what I already have. Emachines t6522. AMDAthlon 64,3500+,2.2GHz, 512 KB L2 Cache, MHz FSB, 200GB Hard Drive ATI Radeon 9250(not expressPCI), 2048RAM, Dual Channel, XP  Home edition, no router. I don't know maybe thats as good as it gets in my situation, I like everyone else am always hoping for a little bit more. Any more suggestions would be helpful. Good ones so far.I also prefer desktop for maintenance and bang for buck. Thanks.

You have a fine machine for what you want to do.. There is nothing for you to really do.. Even with a store bought system that is a killer system.. Believe me it is not your computer..

If you have an onboard nic then you have the fastest setup you can have!

If there was a website where you could walk through the build process with explanations as to what would work for certain situations, and what was necessary to complete a build so beginning builders could do it with less questions, and not miss any key components. If there are none then someone could make some money doing this. I like newegg but they don't have that part, if they do please let me know where to look it up. You know like house blueprints.

the computer u have now is fine.  The only thing i recommend is upgrading that 9250 to maybe a 6600gt or 6800 is u want to game. that amd 3500 is a great processor, no need to upgrade that for awhile, and u have plenty of mem.  I just looked up ur Emachines model and it looks like u have a pci-e slot so u should be able to get the latest gpu cards, like maybe the 7800 but the 6800 is sufficient. 

if all you wanna do is surfing the web and play a windows (solitare and such) game once in a while...no reason to change your comp :) - sure, a 600mhz processor. 512mb memory would have been enough for that, but what you have is good for few more years

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