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60C is pretty hot for a pentium 4, my p4 3ghz runs at 40 idle and 50 load which is kinda hot but not too bad. My opteron runs at 30 idle and 40 load which is decent, so your pentium can run at 60 but its going to shorten its lifespan so maybe you should look into an aftermarket cooler if you're still using stock.

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whats a cheaply priced site to buy heat sinks fans lights  fan controllers for a stock Sony Vaio RB42G pent 4 ht tech 3.00Ghz computer

rofl's i have two fans four plugs for fans and graphics card fan...

keepin me warm in my room, fucking intel's </3

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what are regular heat's C or F

my intel pent 4 hyperthread tech is running at 60C

is that TO hot?, if so how do i make them lower,

are there programs out to Speed up fan speed's

Or do i need new fans?

It completly depends on the core that you are running!  If you are running a prescott core then you can expect high temps.. You might want to make sure that you are getting the hot are out and fresh air in..  A fan controller isnt going to help you.. you want to cool it down.. so I would look for fans that move more CFM.. then higher the value the more air they move..

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