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Was wondering if anyone knows about DSL with an extension. Been looking around for T-1 to replace DirecWay, when I happened to be talking to a COVAD sales rep. who asked me if I had tried to get DSL instead. Told him everbody said I was not close enough, he said he looked it up and that I was 4.2 miles from a Telco and with an extension he could boost it up and get me DSL for $100 per at 3000 connection speed with no activation fees, no equipment charges, $49 rebate, and small business plan. I said if you could do that I would definitely be interested.

When I got home I called a computer buddy and he said that he had never heard of it being boosted past 3 miles before. I asked him if they might have little bit newer technology he might have missed out on, he seemed a little offended and said they have not changed it no way.

Anybody that might have some real experiences with this, or technical input?

Also anybody that might have switched from satellite to extended DSL. :roll: :roll:

ALSO which provider would this be under, so hard to tell so finally came here! :roll:

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What is sounds like you are going to be put on a mini-DSLAM.. Which means that you are too far out from the main ISP DSLAM but they have a microwave tower that provides connectivity to a small hub that you can hook up to.. this is fairly normal in remote/rural locations.


The problem.. You are going to be using wireless as your backbone technology.. Which means that the lag time in transmission might be there.. but it will be better than Satelite..  $100 per month is a little bit much!  Check with verizon and see if FIOS is in your area..

The only problem with getting T1 is finding someone, a company, who is willing to install the line!  Most of the time they will take the charge and install it for free as long as you sign a contract for like 3-5 years.. Contract length depends..

If i were you i would keep looking..

. . .actually, when my Qwest tech came out to install my new DSL he mentioned ~ for folks that live out past their limit ~ they drop them on a fibre backbone to get them connected at DSL speeds.  . . .there's alot of black fibre lines that google is thinkin' 'bout buying up and startin' their own new network!!

Yeah $100.00 for DSL can kiss my AZZ.... CAble all they way!!!!! :::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 8163 Kbps about 8.2 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 996 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2)

Test Time:: Tue Feb 7 16:35:11 CST 2006

Bottom Line:: 146X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.03 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 12.92 % faster than the average for host (120.102)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ELCW5SNX2


You intown cable guy's have really got it made. But us fellas who have moved away from city to enjoy country life have to deal with best we can get. So far d-way has been solution. Now would like to upgrade. Cable is 5 miles out. This far out you pay a little extra for phone services etc. They call it a trip charge. Other people out farther are less fortunate. Go into d-way providers and take a look around, you will see.


If fiber is in area it would 1 mile as crow flies. Not sure if it is even there, would be nice.

Besides when all becomes available, means city reached me and time to move out a little further again. Just the price of a clean life!!! $100 per month 3000Kbps per month, $420 per month T-1, come on. Have to make solutions, can't tell to kiss azz if they can't reach you.

;) ;)

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