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Well i came along a problem recently. When i first booted up my pc it said network found ect, but I never thought of it not being my network. I have a wireless modem, so i thought thats what it connected to. I noticed a change from my usual ip pattern, which was 68.xxx.xxx.xxx now 69.xxx.xxx.xxx

Now today i was downloading counter strike, and halflife, and noticed speeds in the 500kbps range. I thought maybe it was an error, but apparently i did a speed test, and my ISP is mindspring.

As you can see ive done a test using my own wireless, which is verizon. On my wireless connection the name of the one im using now is called "Freeman St Frieldlies". Freeman would be the street i live on, but there is no friendlies around here. So what now, should i keep it, or should not?

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drop it.. it is against the law to use some one elses wifi regardless if it is unsecured or not.. if it is a public ap then you are fine.. but if it is a private ap.. it is a felony.. They would have a log of when you got the ip and the mac address of the hardware you used..

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