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I'm new to wireless networking and recently built an AMD  Athlon 64 4000+ processor/ EPoX motherboard computer and added a linksys (WMP54GS) Wireless PCI Adapter w/ "SpeedBooster" WOW!! :shock: (detect the sarcasm?). After hooking this contraption up and trying it out on my comcast cable modem/ Linksys wireless router combo, I'm getting varied but mostly low numbers last test 39% of Comcast's average with the computer is about 7 feet from the wireless router.

I called linksys support and was told that they have no drivers that are compatible with 64 bit computers. I believe the Amd Athlon functions in both 32 and 64 bit mode but am not exactly sure when it comes to networking.

Does anyone know the story about 64 bit processors, wireless, and linksys? Is there another PCI card with 64 bit drivers that I should be using?

Any help on this confusing matter would be appreciated.


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if you arent using windows xp x64 linksys is just blowing smoke up your butt.. My guess is that the wireless is not optimized for the new adapter.  you should be able to get 100kbps-300kbps slower than the wired connection to the modem or router.  So unless you are running x64 windows xp you dont need to worry about getting x64 drivers.  Since no one is really running x64 not many manufactures are spending the time or money to develop them.  Now when vista comes out that is going to be a different story.

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I joined the forum yesterday and today somebody in Alabama cut Comcast's main something and all of northern Florida lost internet for for most of the day and evening.  Everything seems to be up and running now.

I'm using 32 bit windows but plan to upgrade later this year when Vista is released. How do I get started optimizing my system and card to get a faster connection? Sorry to be asking so many questions but this is all new to me and I really appreciate the advice.

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hi jazzpicker and welcome to the forum pal

Am i right to assume you are with Comcast's?

what package are you with?

you can do various things to improve your internet and your pc

u can tweak your windows version, you can tweak ur connection also

could u give us some more information on your connection and your system in particular

also noticed that you are getting 39% of the average

this could be because the majority of people have the faster package with comcast

what is ur advertised speed and what is ur test speed here?

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I joined the forum yesterday and today somebody in Alabama cut Comcast's main something and all of northern Florida lost internet for for most of the day and evening.  Everything seems to be up and running now.

I'm using 32 bit windows but plan to upgrade later this year when Vista is released. How do I get started optimizing my system and card to get a faster connection? Sorry to be asking so many questions but this is all new to me and I really appreciate the advice.

I didnt see anything in the comcast forums that said anything about a fiber bundle being cut.. however it is possible..

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Initially when I lost my service yesterday, tech support in Tampa didn't know of the outage and scheduled a service call for my home. I had only one light blinking on my modem and from past experience knew that there was probably more than my home involved. Last night on the news, there was an article about the cable being out in the entire area and all the restaurants were having to hand process billing on valentines day (I never realized that businesses depended on cable modem).

Comcast offers 2 services here 6 and 8mb service and according to comcast, mine is 6. For an additional $10/mo I can upgrade. I'm paying $92.00/mo for cable modem and basic television service. Is the upgrade worth the extra $$$? It seems that I'm paying a lot for the service.

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