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Well i've had the joystick awhile now and was alittle lazy to ask help, but here i am now.

I have a logitech extreme 3d pro joystick and im just using the windows drivers. Even with the logitech drivers it still has the problem.

(I use my joystick for flying planes in one game, but i will use mouse n keyboard for helicopters)

Anyways, say the joystick is working flawlessly and its all going well. But sometimes it just "re-calibrates" itself and it will automatically veer to the right. Its unlivable with that. It ruins my game and i have to log off>unplug>get back on and start playing my game again.

Any ideas?

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Have you checked around to see if you are using updated drivers? (On the flip side, sometimes you are better off sticking with the original ones) Dunno what to tell you about windows drivers either (seems to me that if you are running Logitech that you should be using Logitech drivers ...but I am not a gamer). I DO know that you wouldn't use Creative 5.1 Drivers for a M$ Sound Card ....and that's where I am coming from.

Somebody here will find your post soon enough and you'll get some clues. Might help if you post if you are using Win2000, XP or ??? along with some other 'specs' for your system.

Lastly, have you tried reloading the game (you might have a "broken" .dll file or one that is written poorly or maybe doesn't integrate with your joystick)? I know joysticks are famous for incompatabilities ...but that's the extent of my knowledge (sorry).

Hang in there ....somebody will have an answer for ya. In the meantime I would see if there's an updated driver set at www.logitech.com ...for starters.


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:) OK I will look for article...it was about logitech having problems with XP, and it was some patch that was suggested to be downloaded, I cant remember if the patch was from them or Microsoft, sorry I'm having a brain fart I can only remember reading it and not all the info, but I will look for it:)

8) Microwave

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