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i ran the tests from nitro, included my isp is Comcast and im supposed to have 6Mb service but every time i test i can never get above 4 my quality of servie is around 90%. ive used tcp optimizer andWEB100 Kernel Variables:

Client: localhost/

AckPktsIn: 1513

AckPktsOut: 0

BytesRetrans: 0

CongAvoid: 0

CongestionOverCount: 0

CongestionSignals: 0

CountRTT: 1511

CurCwnd: 129940

CurMSS: 1460

CurRTO: 490

CurRwinRcvd: 128480

CurRwinSent: 16304

CurSsthresh: 2147483647

DSACKDups: 0

DataBytesIn: 0

DataBytesOut: 4396060

DataPktsIn: 0

DataPktsOut: 3011

DupAcksIn: 2

ECNEnabled: 0

FastRetran: 0

MaxCwnd: 129940

MaxMSS: 1460

MaxRTO: 540

MaxRTT: 330

MaxRwinRcvd: 128480

MaxRwinSent: 16304

MaxSsthresh: 0

MinMSS: 1460

MinRTO: 280

MinRTT: 80

MinRwinRcvd: 64240

MinRwinSent: 16304

NagleEnabled: 1

OtherReductions: 1

PktsIn: 1513

PktsOut: 3011

PktsRetrans: 0

X_Rcvbuf: 103424

RcvWinScale: 7

SACKEnabled: 3

SACKsRcvd: 3

SendStall: 0

SlowStart: 88

SampleRTT: 270

SmoothedRTT: 270

X_Sndbuf: 103424

SndWinScale: 1

SndLimTimeRwin: 8914025

SndLimTimeCwnd: 1111125

SndLimTimeSender: 2588

SndLimTransRwin: 2

SndLimTransCwnd: 2

SndLimTransSender: 1

SndLimBytesRwin: 4020840

SndLimBytesCwnd: 375220

SndLimBytesSender: 0

SubsequentTimeouts: 0

SumRTT: 417670

Timeouts: 0

TimestampsEnabled: 0

WinScaleRcvd: 1

WinScaleSent: 7

DupAcksOut: 0

StartTimeUsec: 164475

Duration: 10030799

c2sData: 2

c2sAck: 2

s2cData: 9

s2cAck: 3

half_duplex: 0

link: 100

congestion: 0

bad_cable: 0

mismatch: 0

spd: 0.00

bw: 40.30

loss: 0.000001000

avgrtt: 276.42

waitsec: 0.00

timesec: 10.00

order: 0.0013

rwintime: 0.8889

sendtime: 0.0003

cwndtime: 0.1108

rwin: 0.9802

swin: 64.0000

cwin: 0.9914

rttsec: 0.276420

Sndbuf: 8388608

aspd: 10.02500

Checking for mismatch on uplink

(speed > 50 [0>50], (xmitspeed < 5) [0.36<5]

(rwintime > .9) [0.88>.9], (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01]

Checking for excessive errors condition

(loss/sec > .15) [1.0E>.15], (cwndtime > .6) [0.11>.6],

(loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0]

Checking for 10 Mbps link

(speed < 9.5) [0<9.5], (speed > 3.0) [0>3.0]

(xmitspeed < 9.5) [0.36<9.5] (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for Wireless link

(sendtime = 0) [3.0E=0], (speed < 5) [0<5]

(Estimate > 50 [40.3>50], (Rwintime > 90) [0.88>.90]

(RwinTrans/CwndTrans = 1) [2/2=1], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for DSL/Cable Modem link

(speed < 2) [0<2], (SndLimTransSender = 0) [1=0]

(SendTime = 0) [3.0E-4=0], (mylink > 0) [3.0>0]

Checking for half-duplex condition

(rwintime > .95) [0.88>.95], (RwinTrans/sec > 30) [0.2>30],

(SenderTrans/sec > 30) [0.1>30], OR (mylink <= 10) [3.0<=10]

Checking for congestion

(cwndtime > .02) [0.11>.02], (mismatch = 0) [0=0]

(MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0]

estimate = 40.3 based on packet size = 11Kbits, RTT = 276.42msec, and loss = 1.0E-6

The theoretical network limit is 40.3 Mbps

The NDT server has a 8192.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 231.53 Mbps

Your PC/Workstation has a 125.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 3.54 Mbps

The network based flow control limits the throughput to 3.58 Mbps

Client Data reports link is 'T1', Client Acks report link is 'T1'

Server Data reports link is '10 Gig', Server Acks report link is 'Ethernet'

used thier optimal settings. help please.:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 3417 Kbps about 3.4 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 417 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2)

Test Time:: Tue Feb 14 10:51:56 EST 2006

Bottom Line:: 61X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.46 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 71.71 % of your hosts average (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GXB78I2CJ

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Where are you located?

The reason you cannot achieve 90% speed at www.testmy.net is that your RTT to the US is too high.

"estimate = 40.3 based on packet size = 11Kbits, RTT = 276.42msec, and loss = 1.0E-6

The theoretical network limit is 40.3 Mbps

The NDT server has a 8192.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 231.53 Mbps

Your PC/Workstation has a 125.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 3.54 Mbps

The network based flow control limits the throughput to 3.58 Mbps"

Your RTT of 276 ms is limiting your PC throughput to only 3.54 Mbps.

If you try to increase buffer size to 250 Kbytes (DefaultWindowSize - 256960) your RTT will jump to 700+ ms raising your throughput to only 3.8-3.9 Mbps.

If you are located in the US, you need to check your line quality or possible electromagnetic interference on your modem and router.

If you are located overseas, it will be difficult to reduce RTT due to your distance and number of hops in getting to this test site.

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