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Intermittent/inconsistent connection outages

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I have Time Warner's RoadRunner cable Internet service and am going crazy with a new little problem which has developed:

My Internet connection is sporadically lost and I'm at a loss to explain why.  This almost always happens like this:

1.  Open Firefox

2.  The New York Times site loads correctly as my default start page

3.  I try to navigate to a different page (from Favorites or by typing in URL)

4.  I get "The page www.xxxxxx.com cannot be found."

Now, the interesting thing is, if I click around on the nytimes.com site that already loaded, the pages load fine.  It's clear I'm still connected to the Internet, I just can't visit any other sites.  Even if I try opening another browser like Internet Explorer, it won't find that browser's default start page or any other site.  Also doesn't matter  if I try to use my Favorites or manually type in the URL... the sites won't load.

Now, usually within 30 sec to 3 or 4 minutes, everything seems to fix itself and I can navigate as usual (until the next outage).  Turning the modem on and off also usually, but not always, works.

I've had the modem for about 2 months (it's an RCA brand), but the problem only cropped up last week.  I have a wifi router, but I removed it from the network chain and the problem still occurs, so it's not the router.  Nothing has changed recently on my system.  I did a full virus and adware scan, which came up clean.  Time Warner will surely tell me to bring the router in for a new one, but any feedback will be most appreciated!

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post a tracert..

start-> run-> type cmd press enter -> type tracert testmy.net

do it when it is fine and when it is having problems..

My guess is that RR is doing some maintainance in your area..

BTW welcome to the forum!

Also, with a direct connection, log into the diagnostics page for your modem using your browser (usually type, or something very similar, in the address bar).  Then post your modem's levels.

Do you notice the modem lights change (ie. cable light goes out) when your connection drops?

Yea, lots of work being done in the NYC area.  But the problem has been ongoing for over 8 or 9 days.  It's reallys trange, I've never experienced anything like it before (being able to view pages in one domain only and being prevented from navigating out of that domain).

  • 4 months later...

Hi, I have the same exact problem, except in my case this is no new issue, as it has been ongoing since we got the time warner cable hi speed service back in April '06.  We have had several technician come out, still to no avail.  Please help someone. :)

I have Time Warner's RoadRunner cable Internet service and am going crazy with a new little problem which has developed:

My Internet connection is sporadically lost and I'm at a loss to explain why.  This almost always happens like this:

1.  Open Firefox

2.  The New York Times site loads correctly as my default start page

3.  I try to navigate to a different page (from Favorites or by typing in URL)

4.  I get "The page www.xxxxxx.com cannot be found."

Now, the interesting thing is, if I click around on the nytimes.com site that already loaded, the pages load fine.  It's clear I'm still connected to the Internet, I just can't visit any other sites.  Even if I try opening another browser like Internet Explorer, it won't find that browser's default start page or any other site.  Also doesn't matter  if I try to use my Favorites or manually type in the URL... the sites won't load.

Now, usually within 30 sec to 3 or 4 minutes, everything seems to fix itself and I can navigate as usual (until the next outage).  Turning the modem on and off also usually, but not always, works.

I've had the modem for about 2 months (it's an RCA brand), but the problem only cropped up last week.  I have a wifi router, but I removed it from the network chain and the problem still occurs, so it's not the router.  Nothing has changed recently on my system.  I did a full virus and adware scan, which came up clean.  Time Warner will surely tell me to bring the router in for a new one, but any feedback will be most appreciated!

It sounds like a problem with your DNS servers.  The next time it goes out, try to access the following sites by their name and IP addresses:




If you can access them by their IP address and not their name, then something is wrong with your ISP's DNS servers...

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