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I have RoadRunner and everything was all fine when I went to school today running at about 4.7down. I come home and now all I got is this Download Speed: 768 kbps (96 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 356 kbps (44.5 KB/sec transfer rate) I tried unplugging the modem and router for like 20 minutes and still not working right. Someone help.

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Sone one else is experience the same sort of thing... http://help.rr.com/HMSLogic/network_status.aspx  They are currently working in NYC:  Here is what they say..

Road Runner will be conducting Planned Maintenance on the cable network. Subscribers in the affected area(s) may experience a loss of connectivity, usually indicated by flashing modem lights and/or a loss of video service during this maintenance window. Our engineers are working quickly to resolve this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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I just got off the phone with RoadRunner and they did tracert -d www.google.com and they said it was running fine and I should be getting full speed. He also said there are no problems out here. He said it was my computer. I don't see how it is ALL of my computers. I am getting very angry and am about to cancel this crap.

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i have roadrunner also. my download speed is normal (4.9 down) but my upload has been cut in half since last night. i upload usually 60+kB/s.. now im down to 30-35 kB/s. i checked that site and it does say there is planned maintenance in my area, so hopefully thats why.

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yeah i wouldnt be tooooo worried at this point.. they seem to know what is going on.. and if you didnt have problems last night and now you are seeing a slight slow down.. big deal.. give it by the wednesday and all should be good..

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yeah i wouldnt be tooooo worried at this point.. they seem to know what is going on.. and if you didnt have problems last night and now you are seeing a slight slow down.. big deal.. give it by the wednesday and all should be good..

Well I called and they said all is running well here. I dropped from 4.7mbps to 200-300kbps..I can't download anything without my browser stopping loading pages.

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Ok well I checked and it doesn't say anything about maintanence or anything. Says it's working fine! My friend 4 houses up the road has RR to and same problem....

Well I called and they said all is running well here. I dropped from 4.7Mbps to 200-300Kbps..I can't download anything without my browser stopping loading pages.

Ok I am back to normal speed! I am glad...I was starting to get angry.

Well it was working fine. Now it's back to low speed, grrr!

If no one has posted after you, you have the option to modify your post. Does not look like you are talking to yourself. just a friendly suggestion.


You can also divide with a line like so. :D

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