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Hi i recently got my internet back and brighthouse in my area have upgraded to 8 megs down and 512 up

My first speed test showed 7.4 down and 0.2 up,

Your connection is: 7438 Kbps or 7.4 Mbps

You Downloaded at: 908 kB/s

You are running: 133 times faster than 56K and can Download 1 megabyte in 1.13 second(s)

Member Ident: Username:FaT_PHiL CompID:6254713993501

Test Time:: 2006/03/02 - 6:58pm

Test ID: LYZJ5B9EO (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 70.79 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

This was tested from a 5983 kB file and took 6.59 seconds to complete

Your connection is: 262 Kbps or 0.3 Mbps

You Uploaded at: 32 kB/s

You are running: 5 times faster than 56K and can Upload 1 megabyte in 32 second(s)

Member Ident: Username:FaT_PHiL CompID:6254713993501

Test Time:: 2006/03/02 - 5:59pm

Test ID: EA9LY8WKD (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: May need help : running at only 82.65 % of your hosts average (rr.com)

This was tested from a 579 kB file and took 18.12 seconds to complete

I used to be able to break my cap when it was 5/384 , is there any new tweaks for windows 98?.. i would like to reach my upload cap of 0.5 if thats possible

thanks guys , FaT_PHiL

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Is it possible that because i have Windows 98 my Upload cap cant be reached?

im using win98 5000+ cablenut config

This is the highest i can get it to go, and its stil under my old cap of 384, should be 512 now

Your connection is: 363 Kbps or 0.4 Mbps

You Uploaded at: 44 kB/s

You are running: 6 times faster than 56K and can Upload 1 megabyte in 23.27 second(s)

Member Ident: Username:FaT_PHiL CompID:6254713993501

Test Time:: 2006/03/03 - 11:57am

Test ID: 0031URNES (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: Looks Great : 14.15 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

This was tested from a 2992 kB file and took 67.56 seconds to complete

When I was running ME, I was able to exceed my cap by a bit, so yeah it should be possible for you.  Start HERE.  When you get to step 15, you'll notice that there are custom files for cablenut for 98&ME.  Try a couple to see which works best (don't forget to reboot after applying them).  Afterwards, run the test in step 3 of the topic above and post here, along with a screenshot of your cablenut settings.  We can help you to specify different ones if need be.  Good luck.

Ok well im no stranger to this forum, just havent been online in about 5 months  :( And the new brighthouse upgrade got me excited.

I have windows 98, isp is RR and they advertise 8/512

Ive been using Cablenut and the setting i use is one that Van gave me a while back

its called win98 5000+, ive tried all the other settings in his 8th settings folder and 7th and this one seems to work the best

Your connection is: 7495 Kbps or 7.5 Mbps

You Downloaded at: 915 kB/s

You are running: 134 times faster than 56K and can Download 1 megabyte in 1.12 second(s)

Member Ident: Username:FaT_PHiL CompID:6254713993501

Test Time:: 2006/03/03 - 2:31pm

Test ID: QKM1RFTGI (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 72.06 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

This was tested from a 5983 kB file and took 6.54 seconds to complete

Your connection is: 402 Kbps or 0.4 Mbps

You Uploaded at: 49 kB/s

You are running: 7 times faster than 56K and can Upload 1 megabyte in 20.9 second(s)

Member Ident: Username:FaT_PHiL CompID:6254713993501

Test Time:: 2006/03/03 - 2:34pm

Test ID: L5HSBK8E2 (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 26.42 % faster than the average for host (rr.com)

This was tested from a 579 kB file and took 11.81 seconds to complete

Ive gotten 8.3mb down and i cant get over 420kbps on up, i should be getting at least 500

heres the tests

TCP options string = 020405b401010402

MTU = 1500

MTU is fully optimized for broadband.

MSS = 1460

Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS.

Default TCP Receive Window (RWIN) = 65535

RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits

Unscaled TCP Receive Window = 65535

Note: TCP 1323 Options need to be enabled for RWIN over 2^16 (65535). Windows 9x might also need the MS Vtcp386 fix.

For optimum performance, consider changing RWIN to a multiple of MSS.

Other RWIN values that might work well with your current MTU/MSS:

513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 8)

256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4)

128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2)

64240 (MSS x 44)

bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test):

Your TCP Window limits you to: 2621.4 kbps (327.675 KBytes/s) @ 200ms

Your TCP Window limits you to: 1048.56 kbps (131.07 KBytes/s) @ 500ms

MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON

Time to live left = 54 hops

TTL value is ok.

Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF

Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON

IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000 (0)

Cablenut settings


Current date is Fri 03-03-2006

Current time is  4:35:10.60p

Windows 98 [Version 4.10.2222]

Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=46ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=53

Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=53

Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 12, Received = 12, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 42ms, Maximum =  57ms, Average =  46ms

Ping Complete.

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    9 ms    8 ms    9 ms

  2    12 ms    11 ms    24 ms []

  3    9 ms    9 ms    12 ms []

  4    12 ms    9 ms    11 ms  p1-0.hsa2.orl1.bbnplanet.net []

  5    10 ms    12 ms    11 ms  ge-5-0-0.mp2.Orlando1.Level3.net []

  6    42 ms    47 ms    47 ms  ae-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net []

  7    42 ms    49 ms    40 ms  ae-24-52.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net []

  8    41 ms    43 ms    43 ms

  9    42 ms    47 ms    43 ms  vl31.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

10    45 ms    43 ms    44 ms  vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

11    49 ms    42 ms    42 ms  gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

12    43 ms    43 ms    41 ms  testmy.net []

Trace complete.

Is there anything i can change in the current tweak im using to optimize my upload?



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