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Guest Bad Ass M 5

4234 kbps (about 4 Mbit)

You downloaded at: 517 KB/sec

Bottom Line: You are running: 76 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 2 seconds

---[Re-Test] --- [Test Home] ---

Cable (1500 - 3000)

Typical DSL (256 - 1500)

Satellite (700)

ISDN (64 - 128)

Dial Up (28.8 - 56)

Note:Your speed should be within the blue for your connection type.

This was tested from a 1009.3896484375 KB file and was downloaded in 1.953 seconds

Auth Code: 2063511 (if this is a screenshot go to www.testmy.net to see if this is fake)

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I have 6000/384 dsl from SBCGlobal for $99 a month. I have 4 systems on a wirless Linksys and pull 3.4 down and 360 up. My machine is also hard lined to the router and I get the scores you see here. Usually 5.0 - 5.1 down and 355 up. I love the speed after having dial up for so long.

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As you can see, pretty consistant as well. Sorry for the display, I can't figure out how to post the screen shot of the results.

Great site by the way. Thanks for your hard work.

Bad Ass M 5

4269 kbps (about 4 Mbit)

You downloaded at: 521 KB/sec

Bottom Line: You are running: 76 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 2 seconds

---[Re-Test] --- [Test Home] ---

Cable (1500 - 3000)

Typical DSL (256 - 1500)

Satellite (700)

ISDN (64 - 128)

Dial Up (28.8 - 56)

Note:Your speed should be within the blue for your connection type.

This was tested from a 1009.3896484375 KB file and was downloaded in 1.937 seconds

Auth Code: 2064036 (if this is a screenshot go to www.testmy.net to see if this is fake)

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Guest Anonymous

Best score yet. I love DSL and I think this is the fastest I have seen in the postings here.

Bad *** M 5

Your connection rating is:

Your connection is: 6695 kbps (about 7 Mbit)

You downloaded at: 817 KB/sec

Bottom Line: You are running: 120 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 1 seconds

---[Re-Test] --- [Test Home] ---

Cable (1500 - 3000)

Typical DSL (256 - 1500)

Satellite (700)

ISDN (64 - 128)

Dial Up (28.8 - 56)

Note:Your speed should be within the blue for your connection type.

This was tested from a 1009.3896484375 KB file and was downloaded in 1.235 seconds

Auth Code: 2100426 (if this is a screenshot go to www.testmy.net to see if this is fake)

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