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ok im trying to install suse and when i get to the screen with all the diffrent options how to intsall ie install, install-disable apic (i think) and install-safe, and i have tryed all of them and right after the kernal loads my screen go blank and nothing happens

is there a way to fix this?

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Yeah i had this happen a few time to me when I was trying to do this.. The only why that i found that worked.. was to reinstall..  I never knew why it was doing that.. does it have the like Ice themed lilo boot screen.. with little penguins?

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Yeah i had this happen a few time to me when I was trying to do this.. The only why that i found that worked.. was to reinstall..  I never knew why it was doing that..

same here swimmer, ive had that happen a few times, and can never figure out how to fix it. so i just endup reinstalling it.

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well i would reinstall if it was installed i'm trying to install it but like i said my screen goes black right after i load the kernal  and yes i do have a ATI video card a x200 oh well could you name some more good distros right now im dling debian amd64 but could you name a some good ones?

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ok kool I have all ways used live cd's and my freind gave me the install disks to suse and i wasnted to install that but guess i cant so debian here i come oh and one more thing what file system does linux cuz the hdd i an going to install on is ntfs should i format to FAT32?

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