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....i get 2mb over my cap, but thats not the point :) im gonna show off a different kind of a score and share my experience :)

couple of monhts back I was working on overclocking my Amd 3700+ 64bit processor - that didnt go too well - i couldnt achieve stability past 3.0GHz (the processor runs stock at 2.2GHz) since the software that I use for monitoring the voltage and temperature was not very precise (...very common)

so i decided - im gonna take a program like mbm and hack it up and make it help my overclock - since then, i have measured all rail voltages with a DMM, i have measured all temperatures with a self made temp. probe device and an infrared thermometer - I have added the necessary offset to the programs and now they all display the correct temperature/voltage

*I have also measured vcore directly on the motherboard - which has helped me a lot

I have also taken the liberty from taking every single fan lead and disconnnecting it from the motherboard (to further my stability) - hooked it up to a modified fan controller and here are my results after a month of testing and what not....

2.72Ghnz @ 1.36 vcore (undervolted !!!)

248MHz fsb X 11 multiplier (i use 4 for the fsb/ldt ratio multiplier)

ram is running 1:1 with the fsb @ 496MHz

idle temperature is 26c and full load temperature is 37c

The setup is completely stable (tested and confirmed) - my actual goal is to hit ~3.0 on air and maybe try 3.2-3.3 when ocz cryo comes out


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