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Wuz up ,

            I'm using win2003 server .......backed up my files and everything ,was using exchange then switched to domino then server started giving problems so I deleted .....after when booting up it seys" Preparing network connection " then spends hours at "applying computer settings" and wont go any further ...I restored the backup in actve directory restore mode but still same problem...... then I restarted .......and it was stuck at just "preparing network connections"...then I used the ASR disk and it it began formatting........lol  .so I quickly turned off my computer and now my harddrive is DEAD.......lol.lol.......Its not funny but I got to laugh ......anyone can say what was wrong or how to solve it (if it happens again)?

oh..this has happend twice with Samsung HD)


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Check your power cable for voltage.If you have power,with no pins broken,and the platters aren't spinning,your drive is dead.You may have to send out the drive for

recovery,if the data is really important.If you do get the drive to spin up,check the data

cables,and motherboard and drive headers to make sure no pins are damaged.

DoomLord :D

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