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this is what my speed test looks like

Your connection is: 6010 Kbps or 6.01 Mbps

You Downloaded at: 734 kB/s

You are running: 105 times faster than 56K and can Download 1 megabyte in 1.4 second(s)

Member Ident: CompID:63406926718

Test Time:: 2006/04/04 - 7:09pm

Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; TheFreeDictionary.com; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Test ID: 6UN1RPJT2 (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake)

Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 22.2 % faster than the average for host (Comcast.net)

This was tested from a 2992 kB file and took 4.078 seconds to complete

But on Speakeasy.net test site this is what I get                                                                Download Speed: 6200 kbps (775 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 360 kbps (45 KB/sec transfer rate)


Have you tweaked your settings? If not you might try the link below and download cablenut. I use cablenut and it helped me a lot. First you need to backup your registry. If you have System restore this is a quick and easy way to do it. If not post back and I will tell you how to do it a different way. After you have backed up your registry go to this link and download cablenut. https://testmy.net/forum/t-1013.msg9346#msg9346 Choose the correct CableNut Custom Setting Files (CCS) for your connection, open it in cablenut and save it to your registry, restart. It will take a couple of days for the new settings to become optimal. I know I was impatient too.  :D

It will be worth it. If you have any questions just ask. Now it does look like you are getting very good speeds so it may or may not help you. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.  :icon_thumleft::wave:

I have noticed a Slight Change in Speed from Before Check it out and Compair the two:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6237 Kbps about 6.24 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 761 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/04/05 - 8:53pm

Bottom Line:: 109X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.35 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 7.859 seconds to complete

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; TheFreeDictionary.com; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 26.79 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NKJX8HWY0

Does it get any better then what I'm getting???

What day did you make the changes. It took a few days for my changes to really set in. What speeds are you subscribed to. If you are subscribed to the 6Mbps download then you are allready getting 237 Kbps over your cap. Thats great. If you just made the changes give it a few days.  :D  They will probably get a little better.  :)

Yeah I have the 6 Mbit Package Hoping to Get 8 soon But This is what I get on Speakeasy.net test site I got up to 780 KB/Sec is whenever I download movies it stays pegged right at 775 KB/Sec so I am noticing some Change Thanx for the Help Guys

Lookin good. Keep comparing your speed tests to actual downloads. When you download a large file make a point to check to see what your speed is, then compare to your tests. Testmy.net is usually more accurate than speakeasy is for me. :)

Oooooo Yeah Check out this last test kinda got me excited                                            :::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6454 Kbps about 6.45 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 788 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (Server 2)

Test Time:: 2006/04/08 - 7:39am

Bottom Line:: 113X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.3 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 7.594 seconds to complete

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 30.94 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-PO18243XI


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