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Thought there might be some people like me out there that don't know all the terminology and abbreviations associated with the internet and computers. So if your in the forum and you don't know what something means check it out here :D


If you can't find it there, post it here and I will try to define it for you :wink:

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rolling on the floor laughing my f*&$ing ass off

There you go!


It stands for fear ph=f 3=e 4=a any other questions

XDSL is a generic term for DSL the x represents the letter infront of the DSL like ADSL & SDSL, HDSL HDSL is high speed DSL.

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It is just ways to type stuff faster lol for example laughing out loud. Universial shorthand for generation x. Or the people that were born in the 1980's. The other stuff is just a way to make your typing look cool. ph34r= fear. Look around you can find most of this with a simple search of yahoo :D

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