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I am trying to decide which satellite provider I should use as we have no other options but dial up

I have been a apple user since the 70s and now run a I Mac with the dual intel processor which screams

even faster then my sons AMD 3200 series and no worrys about running virus scans etc as I have never had problems with apple, but my sons pc, its a target for all the bugs out there.

The only thing I havent done with a apple is run a satellite connection and trying to find the best system for the best monthly service fees

Unasat blows them all away no fair acess policy but pricey, i saw it a a show a while back monthly fees from $76 for 500 down 128 up goes all the way to almosy $900 a month for 5MB down 800 kbs up

thats a rich mans item there running on a surf beam

but way to rich for this man but the $76 service is comparable to the rest but equipment doubles the price of the others also

so direcway or starband which would do my mac the best? since wildblue has problems and it looks as its going down every where


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