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:) When you try to capture a video the person that made the vid has to want or let you make a copy and you must have the proper codecs, my friend got so pissed off that he now uses his web cam or handheld to copy videos from his screen.....LOL.... The first place to start is to find out what technology you are trying to capture and then make sure that you are using the correct capture mode.and using the correct extension to copy it to.....I have Snag It but I have never really used it. if I get a chance I will take a look see, have you captured any kind of vid yet? and what are you trying to capture ? music vids?......OK let me no.............. :)

8) Microwave

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:) When you try to capture a video the person that made the vid has to want or let you make a copy and you must have the proper codecs, my friend got so pissed off that he now uses his web cam or handheld to copy videos from his screen.....LOL....


thats crazy, i dont know much about webcams, but isnt the quality kinda bad?

Yea, you cant get too many codecs these days, for only watching movies i recommend http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

with that you dont need to install codecs.

But if your making movies or want to capture parts of a movie, i recommend some big codec pack and playing it in windows media player, then capture the parts you want with fraps.

I coulnt get Fraps to work with vlc player, dont know why...

the only sad thing about Fraps is that it record in Raw format, so you need alot of diskspace, after that compress it to the format you like with viritual dub.

VanBuren :)

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:) Yeah VanBuren it is crazy but you would have to know my friend and thats exactly what I said to him that web cam quality sucks, he said at least he could watch it and not have to figure anything out.....LOL

8) Microwave

ROFL  :lol: :lol: :lol:

VanBuren :)

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