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Another thought......(oh no!!)

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Guest thecableguy

The gas situation is starting to really get out of hand....and no sight of a break down the pike...in fact just the opposite.  It really gripes me that our government is allowing gas companies to post record profits at the expense of the American consumer and our economy.  For what good it will do I am willing to host a website that allows people to send an appropriate email to their elected officials demanding immediate action be taken.  This will include unlimited bandwidth and all the tools I can muster to make it easy.  **** I'll even pay for the domain registration once we decide on a name collectively.  What's needed is some real talent to pull it together and design the site (I gave up coding with McDonalds cheeseburgers).  I'll help with the database entry and collection of representative emails and contact information and anything else needed.  Anyone who thinks they can put some effort into this and make it real....post here or get in touch with me and lets all give it our best efforts.....this has to be an honest effort and all talents would be obviously donated as I have no intention of accepting any other form of donation on this...I'll foot the bill for everything else....

Any takers??

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Guest thecableguy

Untill consumers show less demand there would be no reason to lower prices unfortunantly. :(

For the most part demand has not increased...and for many not using is not an option.  Most mass transit systems are woefully inadequate.  Allowing gas companies the luxury of free market pricing should be reconsidered.  The first part of discouraging them should be a profits cap tax and a hefty one at that (lets say 65%).  The only exlusion to the tax would be to reinvest the excess profit (100%) verified in fossil fuel resources location and refineries.  With the money the government raises from the excess profit tax they could do away with current fuel taxes lowering the per gallon price by .30 cents.

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For the most part demand has not increased...and for many not using is not an option.  Most mass transit systems are woefully inadequate.  Allowing gas companies the luxury of free market pricing should be reconsidered.  The first part of discouraging them should be a profits cap tax and a hefty one at that (lets say 65%).  The only exlusion to the tax would be to reinvest the excess profit (100%) verified in fossil fuel resources location and refineries.  With the money the government raises from the excess profit tax they could do away with current fuel taxes lowering the per gallon price by .30 cents.

I would argue this but then again I dont want to argue. :haha: Anyway my point being #1 most Americans I know use their car for alot of useless trips and joyrides. They dont carpool or do anyting to cut their consumption. I know I dont. #2 Hybrid cars have been out for years and dont sell that well, they are reasonably priced but we continue to buy up SUVs and other gas guzzlers at an enourmous rate. Nothing is ever going to MAKE the prices come down period. Nothing. The government can always try to regulate it but IMHO that is the last thing needed. For example China's economy is growing at a 10% clip and ours at about 3% which is still great. But if we tell them ok you can only make so much money here in the US they will just go to a oil hungry nation like China and sell away while giving us the finger. Lets face it ever since the first car rolled off the line gas prices have increased and are not going to stop.. ever.. because they have it... we want it. Period. Sucks to be us. :haha:
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shug, hybrids are garbage. take a slightly larger vehicle than the hybrid you are comparing to, take the european diesel version, and you get the same or better mileage without all that electric motor/battery junk weighing the car down.

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shug, hybrids are garbage. take a slightly larger vehicle than the hybrid you are comparing to, take the european diesel version, and you get the same or better mileage without all that electric motor/battery junk weighing the car down.

Well thats your opinion. I think you are missing my point that the world as a whole does very little to conserve gas and then bitches its expensive. Doesnt bother me I have a hybrid. :haha: I fill up once a month.. maybe longer.  ;)
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Guest thecableguy

shug, hybrids are garbage. take a slightly larger vehicle than the hybrid you are comparing to, take the european diesel version, and you get the same or better mileage without all that electric motor/battery junk weighing the car down.

I totally disagree with this statement....but honestly we have gone wayyyy off topic...if there are any takers or suggestions on how we can accomplish this then let me know....

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ok shug, you fill up once a month. the granny next door to me fills up once every three months, and she drives an old caddy V8. reason being she don't go out much.

what's your mileage, and which hybrid do you have. (mind you i would consider hybrids less of a stupid marketing ploy if they used a diesel as the internal combustion engine instead of a gas powered fuelwaster. ford is looking into one of those...)

it's just that the numbers you see are around 40'ish mpg for a prius in real life, and i can get 40 mpg with a vw golf diesel. and that thing is a lot bigger than a prius.

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Thats my whole point if granny can get by on a tank of gas every three months everyone should be able to. If you only fill up once every three months who cares what gas costs. Thats my point. As far as the golf vs hybrid thing your probably right.. I dunno. My whole point in this thread is that people do nothing to help themselves as far as gas goes and then its a "crisis." :haha: I could care less about the diesel/ hybrid engine argument due to the fact in the comming years we will be using neither, gas wont be around forever.

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my point is that people could be helping themselves by buying diesels. but there is no demand, hence few european manufacturers bother offering them.

vw has the touareg suv as a diesel, but the beemer and mercedes suvs are only available in the biggest gas versions while you can choose between several diesel engines for them in europe. same with jap automakers. each one offers the cars in europe with decent diesels while all you get here in the states is the big gas engines.

agaqin, kudos to jeep for at least equipping the liberty with a diesel (off the shelf from mercedes). should get tyhe same mileage as the ford escape hybrid.

it is up to the consumer to request diesel engines. ithat is the fastest and cheapest way to reduce fuel use and thereby emissions. and once the european and jap automakers make their diesels available to the us market then the us automakers will have to follow suit.

france has about 60 percent diesel automobiles due to fuel cost differences and economy of diesel versus gas.

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Check this out.. kinda old news.. but it is better for the environment and faster than any oil based diesel that I know of.. 0 to 60 in under 4?  O yeah... it was built by high schoolers.. and gets better than 50mpg.. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/17/eveningnews/main1329941.shtml  enjoy.

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Check this out.. kinda old news.. but it is better for the environment and faster than any oil based diesel that I know of.. 0 to 60 in under 4? O yeah... it was built by high schoolers.. and gets better than 50mpg.. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/17/eveningnews/main1329941.shtml  enjoy.

What that Young Man said is true. The Oil Companies are against everything that takes the money out of their pockets.

The Auto Company's do have the technology and the resources already and made things, but like they said the greedy Oil Company's are fighting it.

We need people like those Young Men to start their own company and start selling their product and watch the Big Auto company start chiming in so they can start capitalizing on the technology to put the newcomer out of business. Just maybe the newcommer will survive

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actually i don't think big oil is too much against fuel efficient cars. they still would make enough selling oil for power and heat generation and the only thing more efficient cars would mean is that the oil lasts longer meaning they can reap the profits over a longer time period. they will eventually sell all the oil, and reap all the profits. a few years more or less shoudln't worry them.

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