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Formatting right now, getting errors

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I'm formatting my other computer, it had C, D and E partions, so I deleteed everything from fdisk, and created only "C" as primary partion, then I restart and started the Windows XP install via DOS [E:/i386/winnt.exe], so it started copying files to the hard disk, around 6-7 files were said to fail copy, so I continued the copy, when it finishes the DOS setup, it sais to restart and Windows XP Install will continue, I restart, and when it starts up, it goes to a windows error saying "to try scanning the hard drive and remove hard drives or something", I can't continue. What is the problem you think? bad version of XP [i'm downloading a different version now] or the hard drive?


- Tomer

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to begin with it sounds like a bad version of xp, since you don't just download different versions off the web at random. you do something unheard of and purchase a license in a store. this gives you a bootable disk to install the os from, instructions and the right to download updates from microsoft.com.

if you had ended you post before blatantly flaunting the fact that you are stealing software you might have gotten help with your problem. however some of the members if not most of the members here do not condone public discussion of illegal activities because we want to protect the admin and owner from any legal repercussions. have a nice day.

@ Swimmer - what's a full format? I thought thats what i'm doing.

- Tomer

you are selecting the partition you want to install the os on.. I always delete the partition, then create a new one, then formate it NTFS..  This is all in the setup part of XP.. nothing to do in dos.

I don't live in the USA, it would take ages to get a disk, I need this done now.

The version I downloaded I think is good as it worked for many many others.I think its a computer problem, the way i setup the HARDDRIVE. I know have a single partion 40gb harddrive in FAT32,

Swimmer: is all that in those 6 floppys you can download?

- Tomer

I have a valid key liecenced to me, I just don't have the CD, lost it. What else am I going to do?

@ Swimmer - what's a full format? I thought thats what i'm doing.

- Tomer

That's your problem. Each product key is valid ONLY for that exact copy that it came with.

I don't live in the USA, it would take ages to get a disk, I need this done now.

The version I downloaded I think is good as it worked for many many others.I think its a computer problem, the way i setup the HARDDRIVE. I know have a single partion 40gb harddrive in FAT32,

Swimmer: is all that in those 6 floppys you can download?

- Tomer

You do know that M$ has ways of knowing how many people are using one license key? The wonders of the internet. :)

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