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Alright here is the deal..  I go a 17in lcd monitor that seems to be in working condition.. however, I would like to convert it to a LCD TV.. I dont have any real knowledge what is out there for the LCD at this point due to the fact that I have a laptop.. but is there a modual that converts a standard LCD monitor into a TV?  Like a cable hook-up device?


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the mac mini?

but seriously. i think you would need to hook it up to a pc with a tuner. plus you would need something to output sound since usually a monitor don't have speakers...are there any home theater systems on the market that have a dvi out? if the rig has a tuner then you could hook up the monitor to that... maybe buy a cheap used comp off e-bay or something and slap a tuner card in there. hook up some cheap 2.1 speakers and you're good, no?

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If you coul find a component the RCA video type to VGA  that would be fairly easy to do, just use an old VCR as a  TV tuner

you could do that but it will look like crap, with that viewsonic box i posted it will do post processing to make the video look much better.

this one here has componet built in http://viewsonic.com/products/tventertainment/tvvideoprocessors/nextvisionn5/ but its a little more $$$ and this one will do HD http://viewsonic.com/products/tventertainment/tvvideoprocessors/nextvisionn6/

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