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Download: 8064kbps

Upload: 729kbps

Latency: 64ms

MTU: 1500

DefaultReceiveWindow = 921600

DefaultSendWindow = 93312

DisableAddressSharing = 1

InitialLargeBufferCount = 200

InitialMediumBufferCount = 480

InitialSmallBufferCount = 640

LargeBufferSize = 819200

MaxFastTransmit = 64000

MediumBufferSize = 150400

Priority Boost = 0

SmallBufferSize = 12800

TransmitWorker = 32

FastSendDatagramThreshhold = 4096

EnableFastRouteLookup = 1

EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1

IgnorePushBitsOnReceives = 0

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 67160

MaxFreeTcbs = 8000

MaxHashTableSize = 16384

MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000

SackOpts = 1

SynAttackProtect = 1

Tcp1323Opts = 1

TcpLogLevel = 1

TcpMaxDupAttacks = 3

TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100

TcpMaxHalfOpenRetired = 80

TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460

TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460

TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30

TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0

TcpWindowSize = 67160

MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 20

MaxConnectionsPerServer = 10

DefaultTimeToLive = 64

DefaultUserTOSSetting = 0

TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6

DefaultTOSValue = 240

Do these look good?

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I got a nice little consistency boost, I got the same results 3 times in a row.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 8149 Kbps about 8.15 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

Download Speed is:: 995 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net  (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2006/05/10 - 7:56am

Bottom Line:: 142X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.03 sec

Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 6.015 seconds to complete

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 38.61 % faster than the average for host (64.231)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-V2Y71ZQXM

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welcome to the forum Drakrum :)

speed is great, so your settings is fine

There is a formula for calculating teoretical maximal speed if you know latency, MSS and RWIN

its however very hard, to find a accurate latency cos it change during a download / upload

You could try increasing/ decrease GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize and TcpWindowSize ( set them to the same value )

If the value is smaller then 65536 then set Tcp123Opts to 0

s suggestion is to use maximal unscaled GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize and TcpWindowSize thats multiple with your MSS, for you its 64240

VanBuren :)

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