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I've been running on a wireless home network for nearly a year. We live in a rural area so the only way to obtain broadband is either by satelite (K-band or Xplorenet) or a local wireless ISP which is who we've been using.

Problem is that just recently we are losing signal off and on throughout the day....usually at night around 4:30 -6:00pm but it also happens at other times during the day and evening which is very frustrating. I've tried re-setting the router (Linksys) as well as the radio receiver which is connected to the tower on our roof but it generally makes no difference. I've had the ISP come and check our set up and of course the problem is never happening when they are here but our radio signal strength when tested is an avg of 92% with some dips to as low as 86% but of course that's not when the problem happens.

This is getting really frustrating and would like to know how to resolve. We have a couple of other competitive ISP (wireless) in the fringe areas - is there any possibility that they are jamming my signal at times?

Thanks for whatever suggestions or recommendations you have....


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Try switching channels, maybe there is something that is interfering with the signal.

It might not be that simple.. as most of the WISP are channel locked and governed by the FCC i believe.. 

The only question I have is whether you drop the singal or you still have a signal but are not getting any throughput..  What I am thinking is that since it is pretty remote they, the WISP, are using satelite as their backbone to get the internet to the customers.  So if there were solar flares, which happen in the spring and fall, that would create the type of situtation you are discribing.  Could you post a tracert for us?  start -> run -> type cmd and press enter -> type tracert testmy.net 

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:Documents and SettingsKaren Beaudoin>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net [67.18.179.xx]

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com []

  2  292 ms    32 ms    4 ms

  3  100 ms    93 ms    73 ms  router.t1.nexvision.primus.ca []

  4  335 ms  576 ms  236 ms  dsl6.tor.primus.ca []

  5  584 ms  687 ms  749 ms []

  6  257 ms  331 ms  362 ms  ge-1-0.bb2.tor.primus.ca []

  7  234 ms  231 ms  246 ms  atm0-1-1022.bb1.vancouver.primus.ca [216.254.131


  8  224 ms  278 ms  344 ms  twtelecom.com []

  9  280 ms  372 ms  350 ms  dist-02-so-3-1-0-0.sttl.twtelecom.net [66.192.24


10  512 ms  376 ms  289 ms  core-02-so-3-0-0-0.dlfw.twtelecom.net [66.192.24


11  348 ms  246 ms  332 ms  hagg-02-ge-1-2-0-503.dlfw.twtelecom.net [66.192.


12  348 ms  293 ms  340 ms

13  386 ms  343 ms  352 ms  vl31.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

14  387 ms  451 ms  401 ms  vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

15  222 ms  271 ms  382 ms  gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [


16  488 ms  489 ms  359 ms  55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com [67.18.179.xx]

Trace complete.

C:Documents and SettingsKaren Beaudoin>

no one else in our area seems to be having the same problem - although we are more remote than anyone else we know of using this service. We're still pulling a 92% avg signal strength however so there seems to be something else going on here to my way of thinking....am I wrong??

yeah the pings look stable.. the only thing that looks a bit wierd is dsl6.tor.primus.ca [] that one.. dsl6.. i am wondering if you are being placed on to a dsl network into toronto which could be causing the problems if that line gets really busy..

yeah the pings look stable.. the only thing that looks a bit wierd is dsl6.tor.primus.ca [] that one.. dsl6.. i am wondering if you are being placed on to a dsl network into toronto which could be causing the problems if that line gets really busy..

thats what i was thinking as well, but you get to the point that no one else seems to be having the same problems it is only happing to him.

so you're suspecting our radio receiver then?

These things are incredibly expensive! ....however we rent the receiver from our ISP so they may be able to sub one in if they have one available?? I can ask them.

i would think it would be that, because if now one else has the problem, then its nothing with the ISP themselves. so I'm going to say its the actually peace of hardwere that connects to the internet. and if you rent one from the ISP, then they should be able to give you a different one.

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