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I used some optimizer tool to try and tweak my download more than it was (2800+) just to see if I could. I think I messed it up because it seems slower now when I download things. I could download a 20 MB file from somewhere from at least 350KB/s and now it ranges from 200-300. How would I fix this? I even repaired my Local Area Network in the Network options for Win XP.

BTW, here's a speed result

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 2494 Kbps about 2.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 304 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 45 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.37 second(s)

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I normally try to restrict myself to the DirecWay users area, yet I see that nobody has answered you for well over an hour, so I'll stick my neck out and give this a shot okay? 

I don't know what tool you may have used that might have screwed up your settings, so here are some "possible" fixes:

1.  Do a System Restore if you are using Windows XP

2.  Download "Cablenut" (which is advertised all over this website or rather, is 'downloadable' at www.dslreports.com), let it set everything back to the default settings, then retweak using that same programme.

3.  Wait for somebody more knowledgable than myself with 'standard' broadband issues to "notice" and reply to your post! 

4.  Find VanBuren on this website and ask him directly via his e-mail link.  He'll be happy to assist you, yet bear in mind he's always extremely busy, and perhaps that is why he hasn't personally answered your post already.  :)  RTB (The Troll Guy) is another one that is quite competent and well able to answer your question(s) too.

Sorry I could not have been of more precise help!


*Hang in there ....it's been a VERY busy day with no end in sight!

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hey h1tman and welcome to the forum :)

run this test and lets see whats settings you are running


when you get result, copy the URL adress and paste it here so we can see it

If you didnt  make a backup of your registry with TCP Optimizer you need to redownlaod it so we can clean up using that tool, you find it here


but lets first see what settings you have, maybe its not a big deal

VanBuren :)

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those settings just need a few changes, download cablenut 4.08 and download vanburens cablenut settings 2 versions.zip, you find em on the link i posted in previous post.

install cablenut. unzip that settings file to C:ProgramCablenut

open cablenut adjuster, in top left corner  you see file, load custom settings file

browse to C:ProgramCablenutvanburens_cablenut_settings_version_2VanBurens cablenut settings Version 2WinXP_2K_CABLE_DSLMSS1460

load the file Cable & DSL 3000 384.ccs by dubble clicking on it  ( i assume your upload is 384 Kbps)

click save to registry and reboot

test your speed again

VanBuren :)

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I noticed a tweak that I tried in your report fromhttp://www.jdees.org/ryan/current.spg.the MaxConnectionsPerServer &MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server setting.These slowed my surfing down instead of making it faster.Anyway you might try the origional settings.My windows 98 se only has the MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server setting set at 4.these are located at HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows /Current Version/Internet Settings

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also test speed against other servers, testmy.net has routing issues during peakhours for some ppl,  http://www.dslreports.com/stest

the MaxConnectionsPerServer &MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server setting.should not have a effect on a speedtest, atleast not against testmy.net cos then your using a single TCP stream

this is the XP/2k definitions http://www.dslnuts.com/2kxp.shtml

"33. MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server & MaxConnectionsPerServer - HTTP specification requires that no one computer can have more than 2 simultaneous connections to any single HTTP server. This will affect all Windows application that uses the standard API, including Internet Explorer. People who keep multiple files on an online hard drive hate this restriction, because they can only download two or four files at a time. Windows developers choose to limit the maximum connections to a HTTP 1.0 server to four. In the HTTP 1.1 specification the number of connections was mandated to 2.

Value Type: REG_DWORD

Default: 4, 2"

and win ME/98  http://www.dslnuts.com/9xme.shtml

"30. MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server & MaxConnectionsPerServer - HTTP specification requires that no one computer can have more than 2 simultaneous connections to any single HTTP server. This will affect all Windows application that uses the standard API, including Internet Explorer. People who keep multiple files on an online hard drive hate this restriction, because they can only download two or four files at a time. Windows developers choose to limit the maximum connections to a HTTP 1.0 server to four. In the HTTP 1.1 specification the number of connections was mandated to 2.

Value Type: DWord

Default: 4 & 2"

VanBuren :)

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Howdy H1tman I didn't mean to tell you what I saw in the report would help your test speed.It was just when I used the tweak that I saw in your report my web surfing speed slowed down.Thought it might affect your system the same way.VanBuran is right it shouldn't affect your test speed at testmy.net Cholla :idea:

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