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:( Sgt Slaughter,

Here is some info.....its just another service attack, its been called the cousin of fraggle....

The "smurf" attack, named after its exploit program, is one of the most

recent in the category of network-level attacks against hosts.  A

perpetrator sends a large amount of ICMP echo (ping) traffic at IP broadcast

addresses, all of it having a spoofed source address of a victim.  If the

routing device delivering traffic to those broadcast addresses performs

the IP broadcast to layer 2 broadcast function noted below, most hosts on

that IP network will take the ICMP echo request and reply to it with an

echo reply each, multiplying the traffic by the number of hosts

responding.  On a multi-access broadcast network, there could potentially

be hundreds of machines to reply to each packet. 

Since your equiptment detected it, my guess is that it stopped it also,I really cant tell from the info you provided but this is just normal B.S. that goes on behind the scenes on most computers,. Just do a good system scan and look for any sign that there is a problem......

8)  Microwave

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I used to allow ICMP but then i got problems with hackers portscanning me all the time, i now block all ICMP traffic and have almost no attacks.

VanBuren :)

:) Yep I'm in full stealth mode but I get pings all the time at least a few hundred a day and I'm not on any P2P sites...........just lucky I guess....LOL  :-P

8) Microwave

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