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This is what it is i have Dail-up Connection (56k) and by all of the talk around here i can see that i'm bout the only person in forum with it.And my test are horrible being that i need help with setting my maximum port speed to the correct setting and my modem configuration maximum speed to the correct setting for optimized speed,and not only that but any other things that will help make my dail-up faster when doing a download test,i'm trying to get at least the minimum which is 55 seconds or close to it,and with tha help of ya'll i'll be able to do it.Thankz,Hollaback :wink:

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This is what it is i have Dail-up Connection (56k) and by all of the talk around here i can see that i'm bout the only person in forum with it.And my test are horrible being that i need help with setting my maximum port speed to the correct setting and my modem configuration maximum speed to the correct setting for optimized speed' date='and not only that but any other things that will help make my dail-up faster when doing a download test,i'm trying to get at least the minimum which is 55 seconds or close to it,and with tha help of ya'll i'll be able to do it.Thankz,Hollaback wink[/quote']

Welcome, )

There are a few other people who have or have had dial up.The first problem that you have is 56k is not going to go that fast,(56k)there are many things that effect your speed for instance every device including telephones that are plugged into an outlet will effect your speed.another thing that does effect speed is how close you are to the d-Marc or mpop

which is where the phone co.brings in the line.The FCC(government) caps your speed at I think 48k(if I remember correctly)all that being said when I had dial up I wanted it to go as fast as possible,you too right?So how do you do that? There are many sites that will "tweak" your connection,even some which will pre-fetch pages you have recently been to.I am not recommending this site and some severs will disconnect you if you use it,but in the past(a long time ago)I used a software called naviscope(I think?)there are others but you may want to try.....


I have never used this,but was told it helps.Let us know and keep coming back and tell your friends about this site...good luck~~~


8) microwave

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A pimp, thankz for tha site but most of the sites products i couldn't download,because they didn't exist,but i did manage to find one.It was called "TZ Internet Connection Booster" it tweaked diffrent kind of settings and stuff but really it showed no kind of improvement.I still was taking the download test and downloading it in 90 somthing seconds, some times 100 which is no where near my goal which is at least 70 somthing seconds or lower.And i see that u know what u are doing so if i stick with u i'll make it there soon.Holla

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RaWDiZ have you tryed tcpoptimizer from speedguide?


It got settings for 56k aswell

Never used it myself on 56k, but give it a try and backup your current settings before you tweak with it.

VanBuren :)

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Tha Interface was kind of confusing but i did use it and the results where reDICKulous i would have to say tha worst optimizer i ever used.But i don't think i can really verify that because i dont have my default settings for my maximum port speed,and when u open your connection it has properties which has modem configuration and i don't what the maximum speed (bps)should be,or should i have modem compression on or software compression on,or does it even really matter when u are optimizing.Really i just need to know tha default settings for both of them.But overall this was a bust but u can try and come up with somthing diffrent.Besides it lets u backup your old connection so that u can use it agian if u don't like it.Hollback

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VanBuren is correct that link should help with tweaking and its pretty easy to use.Download=save to desktop,open,click optimal setting,reset and see if improvement occurs.Thats the generic way it is possible to tweak further

I think its important to do many test at different times of day to see if anything has changed.If you dont see any improvement you may have other issues,but try this first Im not sure if you are asking about settings in modem setup if so I always had mine set at (I think)115,000 even though you wont get those speeds it just allows it to go as fast as it can.Let us know....And thanks VanBuren for the suggestion I was having a brain fart I think.....haha oops


8) microwave

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If you want defult modem settings i suggest u reinstall your modem.

If you want defult TCP settings i suggest u download Cablenut program http://www.dslnuts.com/software.shtml

and open adjuster and click delete cablenut tweaks, then the program will make sure you got windows defult settings, then hit save to registy and reboot.

If your not happy with speed on defult settings, dont modify port settings.

Modify TCP settings instead by using TCP optimizer.

and MICROWAVE lol i really had to think twice too :)

Good luck

VanBuren :D

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This what it is I scanned my computer for viruses and trojans with mcafee virus scan 2004,In which non came up,then i deleted all of my registry tweaks from the cablenut that i used before to get my default window settings like he Van Buren said,Then I set my modem configure Max speed to 115200 and my maximum port speed to 115200,then opened TCP Optimizer and selected Dail-Up,then selected optimal settings and rebooted and still no major results.I'm still taking tha download test in 90 somthing seconds sometimes 100.So if u can tell me what i'm doin wrong then holla at cha boy cause I wanna be able to take tha test in at least 70 somthing seconds.But ya'll can make it happen,I know it.But keep tha optimizers comin Thankz.

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I dont think the problem is in your computer anymore, the problem probl is your ISP.

Go to start-run type command and hit enter

type ping www.testmy.net and hit enter

try this aswell tracert www.testmy.net

Post a reply what your latency is

VanBuren :)

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Thats a very good idea that VanBuren gave you,try it and let us know....Im not quite clear on your timing of 90 sec or 70 sec,so post the ping time and that will give us a better idea whats going on.For instance when I ping this site my time is usually around 50ms and my TTL51.So post the response from the links and someone will try to help.

8) microwave

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Aiight It says:

Reply From bytes=32 time=188ms TTL=47

Reply From bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=47

Reply From bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=47

Reply From bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=47

Do U want tha ping statistics and all of that :?:

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Thats the problem RaWDiZ

Reply From bytes=32 time=188ms TTL=47

Reply From bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=47

Reply From bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=47

Reply From bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=47

on that high ping you will never get 56 kbps

you wanted to be able do download the small test in less then 55s, lets do some calculations here....

386 KB / 55s = 7 kB/s

7 kB/s x 8 = 56kbps

the 8 stands for 8 bit on 1 Byte (no further explenation)

I remember the days when i had 56k, to get full bandwith your ping should not be more then 100 - 120 ms to the testserver.

VanBuren :D

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( you have a ping time of 177ms to 188ms,I just tested mine it tested at 52ms to 58ms,so you say so what right!....Well the way to look at this ping time is when you tested to this site what happened was a signal(ping) was sent from your computer to this site and back.the ping time you are getting is very high(meaning long time round trip)your ISP is at fault,but in their way of thinking they are probably within the time frame that is acceptable to them.Bottom line the party is over, you will be unable to get any more speed from your PC.The only alternative is get a new ISP or dsl or broadband or anything except what you got,that is only if you feel the need for speed.......sorry it looks like for you it doesn't get any better~~~the good news is you are welcome to test and post even tell your friends to visit, but plain and simple your connection just wont go any faster.. x

8) microwave

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:) changing your number will have no affect on your line,they will be using the same two copper wires to take your connection from your computer to wherever,Once again you are stuck with what you have as long as you keep the same connection.There are many things causing your low speed.....distance to the C.O. etc..etc........sorry if anyone has any other solution they will post~~~~ so like I said keep coming back,but I can not offer any other fixes.

8) Microwave

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