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I think that local service is the best! Most of the smaller services dont have many people on them so they are faster then say AOL... However, they dont have all the cool little extras. Local can run between $10-20 per month. You also might be limited on how much time you have online. :cry:

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I Just want something that has unlimited minutes and just a reliable connection,but the real thing i'm just trying to see is if my connection speed will be higher,my ping time can be lowered,and just other things in general to see if it is my dial-up service that has a problem or my computer.

it is going to be your dial up service with the problem.... No questions asked. Try a local service for a month and see what the ping times are going to be.. they might lower but you will not see much of an improvement in online gaming...dial up is just to slow to.

cablenut.... Ok as far as tweaking the connection itself you might want to check out this website http://www.tweakxp.com/tweak2080.aspx. It has a bunch of setting that should improve the stability and speed of the 56k connection. I have not tried any of these tweaks so I have no idea if they work or not. Good luck! Let us know what happens! If you are on AOL dont even waste your time with this artical!! It will not help!

Yeah Pimp, this is one of the guides that i used but i really cant say that it worked 100% because i didn't know what sub-folder i should put the registry tweak into.So if u could look at it and get back at cha boy with what folders should put them in it would help.ThAnKz

Ok it turn out that the program you want is cablenut for this app. Just enter the values into the respected boxes and you should be set. If you want a more accurate recieve window look at some of the articals that deal with rwin and tweaking connections. I dont think that this will help that much seeing that these numbers are based on an ideal setup. Most people will never experience 53.5 k much less any faster. Make sure that you have your motherboard and your com ports set to their max(s). You might also want to try a different browser!! Modzilla now known as Firefox is great for 56k users!! Just play around with this stuff!! Remember to back up you regestry before you start! :D

Good Luck!! 8)

i thought they were also for dial up... they must have changed them. In that case just runs some speed tests here. start small and get the fastest speed you can get. Then up the file and make sure that you are still getting a decent speed.

::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 27 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is: 3 KB/sec

Auth Code: 2000406 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 0 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 341.33 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2000406&kbps=27&gen=gen&a=9.14285714285714&b=0.571428571428571&c=1145.14285714286

See this SHIT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I don't know what it could be dawg.I check for spyware,Viruses,all of, that restored my registry so know i have no tweakz or registry tweakz and did system restore,updated my modem driver so now i have a v.92 and all of that,followed all the steps in tweakxp.com's tweakz and settings for a 56k.And i took this test with the default settings that come with cablenut for a 56k.And i see and improvement in my webpages,they load faster.But my results suck DICK.Help ya boy out could it be my connection,because i'm with Bellsouth i think it's a local area connection which should make it go faster.I do know what it could be HeLp,PlEaSe :cry:

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